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Artic Monkeys
2:34━─────❍──── -4:14

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𝚅𝙾𝙻𝚄𝙼𝙴 ▂▃▄▅▆

╰┈➤ Goodbyes weren't always easy, they weren't always a good thing but sometimes they were for the best

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╰┈➤ Goodbyes weren't always easy, they weren't always a good thing but sometimes they were for the best. Although, neither were hellos.

Trudging down the nighttime street, one could only fear especially as a woman. She gripped onto the strap of her backpack that held all of her remaining belongings.

(Y/n) let out a deep breath before making her way down the streets. Problem was she was still in Gangseo.

"Well crap." She mumbled, putting her hands on her hips.


Seoul, the place where it all began. Her feet slightly hitting the concrete along the sidewalk.

(Y/n) looked up at the building in front of her. "Home not so sweet.. home," The girl mumbled. Her finger reached towards the door bell of the gate.

The small ding of the button rung before someone's voice answered. "Hello? Who is it?" A masculine voice questioned.

"Oh, you're actually home for once..." She mumbled. The gates immediately opened and she heard loud steps as well. Her father stood in front with a worried expression.

He wrapped his arms around her and for the first time since her mom died...he cried. A grown man crying on the shoulder of his teenaged daughter.

(Y/n) actually felt bad for once. She felt like she had a dad and not a father. Her hands wrapped around him, feeling his tears soak into her shirt.

"Your mom said that you ran away! She said that you left without telling anyone..." He sobbed. "I was worried sick for you," the man continued.

"She said that it was fine, she saw me walk out the door," (Y/n) mumbled. He held her as if he let go she'd leave again. That wouldn't be the case though. It would be the opposite.

Her father wiped his eyes, brushing off all his tears. "Let's go inside..." He sniffled.


"Hey honey, who was-" A loud gasp followed by a plate hitting the ground and breaking into multiple pieces.

"... you!" The woman who claimed to be her "mother" exclaimed. And angered look on her face which when she saw her husband turned into a nervous one.

"You should go up to your room, have you eaten? I'll order takeout," Her father gave her a small smile, patting her back as if motioning for her to go up stairs.

(Y/n) shrugged as she walked up to her previous room. Hyeon-U, her little brother, had just left the bathroom down the hallway. Their eyes met for a second but he was the first to react.

He dropped his towel and rushed towards her. His hands pulled her close, except he wasn't afraid to hide his tears.

Maybe that's why her eyes started to fill with water. Brimmed with tears, threatening to fall like an evening rain.

But there was no prediction for this weather...

But there was no prediction for this weather

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The holidays have started yet again. (Y/n) stayed locked up in her room only exiting to eat.

She scrolled on her phone searching for something to do. Or maybe even someone to talk to.

Old Lady Strength 😨

Kid, you and me meet me
here at 3, someone I want


Where the heck is here lady

It's loading


I know it's you you don't have
to put the little line





Don't get that attitude with me
Old lady

Meet me at xxx
I'll leave my bothersome
grandson 😡


(Y/n) stared at her mentor's text. Wondering what type of hell she's going to put her through or meet.

But she needed an excuse to leave the house, and her dad was home....

"I'm going to get a book for knowledge, i'll be back!"

'Great, you aced it (Y/n),'

'Great, you aced it (Y/n),'

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First chapter done...took a while but here we are. I have ideas for later chapters but for now chapters not so much


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