Chapter XXXI

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----In which, (Y/n) is (Y/n).

"Who the hell are you to be snooping into us?" "You working solo?"

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"Who the hell are you to be snooping into us?" "You working solo?"

"Are you Hostel?" Daniel questioned. "McDonald's drive thru can I take your order?" (Y/n) mumbled.

His eyes caught hers, his fierce eyes piercing her soul. "Well good luck...I'll come back later!" She exclaimed.

A teen boy with brown hair, the color of dark coffee and with caramel drizzle stood up on a wooden beam

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A teen boy with brown hair, the color of dark coffee and with caramel drizzle stood up on a wooden beam. The puffs of blond seemed to stand out from the rest. (I was totally not craving a Mcflurry while writing this)

A boy who serves no purpose to the plot of Lookism, but within (Y/n)'s heart, importance. "Sir! Shall we send our forces towards Hostel?" A voice asked. The teen shook his head. The wooden beam from the abandoned construction sight seemed to wobble.

"It's too early, and not I fight to be fought with us," The boy explained. "I see, as well, that Johan guy from God Dog is here. He wants to talk to you,"

"Tell him to fuck off then," The brunett scoffed. "I sorta...tried," The other teen was being held up by the God Dog Leader and was then thrown aside to run along.

"Johan." The brunett commented. "Lim," Johan Seong stated. "What do you want, mutt?" Lim snarled.

"Me a mutt? I think you have it wrong, if anything you're the dog. Always chasing (Y/n) like a lost pup," The boy scoffed. "My relation with Ms. (L/n) is off topic," Lim stated.

"Speaking of which, have you ever kissed her?" The God Dog Leader questioned. "So what if I have or haven't?" Lim said. Johan looked at the other boy, with a smirk on his lips. "You ever felt the warmth of them? She's so fucking pretty, huh?" Johan mocked.

"Don't talk about her like that. She's not a slut who kisses every guy in her path. You probably lick every shoe you find," Her former bodyguard stated. A chuckle escaped Johan's lips as he parted them again,"You're right. She's better than that. But that's not what I'm here to talk about,"

 But that's not what I'm here to talk about,"

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"...oops, what happened here?" (Y/n) questioned. "I almost got ran over from some maniac back there," She sighed.

Daniel ran over to her and shook her until she almost threw up her guts. "What were you doing here! Don't you know these people were the one's who posted your pictures?! What if you got hurt?" Daniel rambled.

"I'm going to throw up on you," She mumbled. "Oh hey, Jay!" (Y/n) waved. The blond awkwardly waved back.

"What happened to Zack?" She asked. "He sprained his ankle," The pretty boy explained.

"Really? C'mon Zack, piggy back ride," She grinned, bending down. "No! It's embarrassing!" He refused.

"Stop being a big baby and hope on," (Y/n) said. The boxer soon gave in and got on top of her back. She stood up and held him by the thighs.

"I know you've waited for the moment the (Y/n) (L/n) gave you a piggy back ride." She teased. He scoffed,"You wish."

Zack snuggled into the depth of (Y/n)'s neck. He inhaled her scent, it was floral mixed with with money, she in fact smelled expensive.

He was intoxicated by her scent, his eyes became heavy with each step she took. Her heartbeat was calming, as if it was a lullaby lulling him to sleep. He let his eyes shut and rested his head on the crook of her neck.


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Zack woke up and quickly sat up. His ankle seemed to be pounding with pain. "You're up," (Y/n) laughed. "Huh?! Where am I?" He asked.

"My house." She said. "Your house?" Zack mumbled, looking around. "It was hassle getting you through the window," The girl sighed.

"You better rate me 5 stars, my back hurts. Maybe I'm not fit to be a taxi," She joked.

(Y/n) (L/n)Status:AliveAge:18School: Jae Won HighOccupation: Working at a company Fighting Style:Running away

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(Y/n) (L/n)
Jae Won High
Working at a company
Fighting Style:
Running away.
Biological mother: unknown, Step-Mother: Eun, Father: Chin-hwa, Sister: Byeol, Brother: Hyeon-U, and Haenguni
Vroom vroom

Anyways...I don't know if I should make (Y/n) stronger when she cries cough cough if you get it you get it or when she's mad or a lunatic. What do you think?

Also...RAHHH I don't know

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