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Let the light in
Lana del Rey
0:28━❍───────── -4:38
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𝚅𝙾𝙻𝚄𝙼𝙴 ▂▃▄▅▆

╰┈➤(Y/n) walked towards the area where the VIPs were, people who wanted to be there

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╰┈➤(Y/n) walked towards the area where the VIPs were, people who wanted to be there. Who had a choice. She practically scoffed seeing them, in their robes in their fancy robes. In luxury chairs that were comfortable.

Someone stood in front of her, a few steps ahead. His black hair decorating his head, a few strands hugging his neck.

"If I'm being honest, I would think you would've joined allied... though I guess it's better this way, I would've ended you," Eli mumbled.

"Thanks, that's so comforting," (Y/n) rolled her eyes. "I'm not trying to be," The man scoffed.

"Yeah, doesn't seem like you can either," She said, scratching her eye lid. "(Y/n)." A chilling voice called out.

It was Taejin Cheon. Eli has no expression on his face but she could tell he was mocking her. Taejin waved her over.

"What?" (Y/n) questioned. "Go down stairs and get rid the unconscious bodies if there is any," He ordered. "Okay... that's it?" She questioned.

(Y/n) was about to walk back into the v.i.p room but the blond caught her by the shoulder. "Nope, take a different route," He sighed. "Rude, but okay..."

"Don't let (Y/n) and Daniel Park be in the same room. Him and his Allied will try their best to get her to leave Workers," Eugene said. His usual taunting smile on his face.

"She'll face them eventually," Taejin shrugged.


(Y/n) slowly made her way down the steps. She was met by Zack Lee trying to pick up Hudson and that one guy who pretended to be an angry victim. "Wait a second...." That's when it clicked but she didn't have time for that.

"Maybe try to lift them up one at a time," She recommended leaning against the wall. Zack dropped the boy he was carrying.

A scoff escaped his lips. "I knew you were with Workers, but I didn't want to believe it."

"Oh well, Workers is like a toxic ex for me, no matter how much they did to you, you'll go running back to them if they're a last resort," (Y/n) said, shrugging her arms.

"Is this all a game to you?" Zack questioned. (Y/n) looked at him for a second, "I guess, sometimes it is. I can't see a future for myself. Hell, I'll be lucky if I get to see my twenties."

Zack took a few steps towards her. He looked at her with anger and a sense of sadness. "What?" She asked. It felt like they were having an endless staring competition.

He raised his hand, aiming at her. "I'm disgusting, huh? You want to beat me up until it leaves me. Well too bad it won't, and I don't think it ever will," (Y/n) had a remorseful smile on her face.

Zack acted on a fit of rage. Throwing the back of his hand against her face. (Y/n)'s face shifted downwards, her lips became pursed against each other. "..."


"Do you think the way someone grew up can affect how someone ends up?" A middle school (Y/n) questioned. Zack shrugged, shoving his hands in his pockets.

"But people can always make it to the top even if they grew up in poverty or something like that," He said. "Not always..." She huffed.


"Zack! You shouldn't hit a girl! Even if you're protecting someone," Mira scolded. "I'm sorry..." He said looking at the ground.

"I would if their name was (Y/n)," Johan said. "I'll beat you up," (Y/n) jokingly scoffed.

"That wouldn't be a fair fight, (Y/n) would win," Zack intervened. "Hey!" Johan exclaimed, acting offended.


"Why did you change?" Zack mumbled. "I never did. I've always betrayed people if it benefits me," She said.

" some point you were actually our friend, my friend." He mumbled. His hand gripped at her shoulder, he bit his lip basically holding back his tears.

"I guess we were, we shouldn't have been. Do you see where it led us to now? It could've was a mistake. Maybe we should've met in another universe," (Y/n) explained, a small smile on her lips.

"But why not this one?" Zack questioned. She stayed quiet, she didn't have an answer. "...Maybe we should meet again when I'm a better person, when I don't betray my friends for my own selfish desires." She patted his back walking away.

"Why not this one?"


i just sharted

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i just sharted

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