Chapter XXX

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----In which, (Y/n) runs away from home!

(Y/n) had just left home and is now on the streets of Korea

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(Y/n) had just left home and is now on the streets of Korea. All she had was a small backpack with necessities. She'd rather die than be caught stinking.

Who knew runaways carried a black card and 1,000 dollar cash with them. Though I guess she is being quite greedy.

When she was younger, or when she was on the a streets, she survived off of $5 for two people. But oh well, right?

"Did you run away from home too?" A voice asked. "Huh?" (Y/n) turned back to see the cause of the voice.

Her face was 2 centimeters away from the one of Zack's. He looked into her eyes, a fierce look within them. He was determined about something, or someone.

The girl took a step back, surprised to say the least. "What are YOU doing here?" She questioned.

"I'm going to find Jasmine, you?" Zack sighed. "I don't know, running away?" (Y/n) shrugged.

He nodded, placing a hand on her shoulder. "Good luck," He stated walking away. "Good luck to you too," She grinned. Zack waved, his back already to her.

(Y/n) stared at the smashed up box of cigarettes in her hand, was she that desperate? Yes

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(Y/n) stared at the smashed up box of cigarettes in her hand, was she that desperate? Yes.

She held one up to her lips and reached into her pocket for a lighter. Though a light already reached her cigarette.

"Let me be your light, princess," The sound of Olly Wang cooed. "That was cheesey...." She laughed, puffing out smoke. (Y/n) coughed, as if she hasn't done this a million times.

"The cigarette to strong for you, my queen?" Olly teased, wrapping an arm around her. "As if," (Y/n) nudged his shoulder softly. He wouldn't have known the difference anyways.

"I ran away from home, kinda...I'll have a lot of work to complete, I also have to make sure my grades are on top, I also have to study for the exams, and and-" The teen with dreads put his hand on her shoulder.

"Then never go back home," He stated. "Huh?" She questioned. "Don't go back, simple as that. You don't have to focus on school...or grades...or anything," Olly grinned.

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