chapter xii

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(Y/n) and Daniel, along with other cops and detective, were currently running like their lives depended on it to find Jiho

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(Y/n) and Daniel, along with other cops and detective, were currently running like their lives depended on it to find Jiho. "We're here," The detective said.

"There's one more person on the rooftop. Jiho is confronting then," someone else commented. (Y/n) looked at Daniel with a worried expression.

"Jiho Park!" The woman exclaimed, it was like a blood curling scream. It was for sure going to make her voice hoarse later. "Who the hell is up there with you?!" Daniel yelled after her.

The authorities were discussing who could possibly be up there with him and how'd they'll figure it out. "What's the bastard doing?" "You look like you've seen a ghost."

The two teens looked up, both of their eyes widening at the sight of a body falling from the roof.

Daniel leaped forward, attempting to catch the dropping Jiho. But soon he no longer looked up to see him he was looking down. (Y/n) grabbed a hold of Daniel, burying his head in a hug.

It was truly traumatizing experiencing someone's death. He doesn't deserve to see it so close up. (Y/n) bit her lip to stop sobs from leaving, hard to the point it began to bleed.

Her eyes swelled up tears, her hold on Daniel becoming stronger, not to hurt him though.


Jiho Park was too obsessed with power. He was indeed power hungry. That's what got him killed. That's all he thought about, plus one more thing he had discussed with (Y/n).

Two bodies.

He was very committed to the topic but barely shared any details. Though what did it mean?

"You seem to frown a lot, what's with you?" Eugene questioned, sipping at his tea

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"You seem to frown a lot, what's with you?" Eugene questioned, sipping at his tea. He decided it would be a great idea if they were to talk over some tea.

It was rare to see no one was there with him. "It's nothing..." (Y/n) muttered. "Nothing at all..." Pain stretched in her voice as she remembered what happened around a month ago.

She stood up in an instant. "Excuse me, I need to go to the bathroom," She blurted. A poor excuse for needing to cry. The glasses teen stood up and approached her.

He ghosted his arms around her. Either he never hugged someone in his life or is bad at comforting people.

(Y/n) hugged back, cloaking her arms around the other teen. Burying herself into his shoulder and sobbing quietly.

"Eu...gene," She said between hics. He quietly patted her back, not exchanging a single word with her. Eugene's grip on her was less limp and more tighter.

As much as (Y/n) hated crying in front of people she'd get all the comfort she can get. She didn't care if he used it as black mail or to get something out of her.

She sobbed and sobbed. It felt refreshing, finally not crying by herself in a cold empty room. It was a change for her.

Everything she's been through finally let loose. From watching two people's deaths, betraying her friends for herself, leaving behind Seoul and her family, abandoning all morals she might've had. Deserting herself for others. For what? What does she get from all of it?

(Y/n) didn't care if Eugene saw her at her weakest point. It didn't matter anyways.

Nothing ever did.

"(Y/n), I need you to do something for me," Eugene grinned

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"(Y/n), I need you to do something for me," Eugene grinned. (Y/n) turned her head to look at him. A makeup brush in her head from previously touching up on her eye makeup.

"Hm?" She hummed, wondering what it could be. "I'll be placing you in the Second affiliate. But that's not what I need. I want you to "betray" Workers," He explained.

(Y/n) looked at him with a confused look. "You're the chairman of Workers, who in heck would ask that?" She said in her thoughts.

"Though I don't mean literally. Soon, most of Daniel Park's friend or even enemies will come looking for him.

I want you to pretend to help them, it may be hard but I need you to earn their trust back," Eugene stated. She looked at him with the most confused, just saw a rat murder scene type of face.

"Gain their trust?" (Y/n) questioned. Eugene nodded. "As well as tomorrow I will introduce you and Daniel to the second affiliate's executives," He smiled. She sighed, "Okay. What do I have to lose?"

We needed some black mail my bad

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We needed some black mail my bad.

Anyways good luck on tests or any exams! Mine start tomorrow and ends next week I'm crying already 💀

Guys remember to use tik tok audios because I found my lost nayeon pc from 2022(not click bait) 🤯‼️

Good luck in life and stay fruity 💕

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