Chapter XXIII

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----In which, (Y/n) has to deal with Haenguni...

Trigger Warning! This chapter contains Animal cruelty.

(Y/n) let Haenguni adventure on without his leash, running at times to catch up to him

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(Y/n) let Haenguni adventure on without his leash, running at times to catch up to him. But maybe dogs have a mind of their own because he ran faster when he saw a squirrel.


(Y/n) panted as she ran around like a mad woman hunting down her dog. "Enu!" "Eden!" Two voice exclaimed.

"Haenguni! Haenguni! Where are you?! I'm sorry that I didn't get your favorite snacks! Come back please!" (Y/n) called out. There was no response to her calls.

"Fuck," She cursed, kicking at the ground. Daniel recalled the fimilar voice and looked over to see the girl. "(Y/n)! Have you seen Enu anywhere?" Daniel inquired.

"No, how about Haenguni?! He ran away from me and I looked everywhere," (Y/n) said.

"Quick, let's find them," Daniel stated, whipping his head back to the other boy. The face is someone (Y/n) recognized but nevertheless she was more stressed out about Haenguni than to worry about others.

"Did you lose a dog too?" A little girl sobbed, offering a flyer

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"Did you lose a dog too?" A little girl sobbed, offering a flyer. "Yes! Have you seen them?" Daniel questioned.

"No:(" The younger girl denied. "Let's look together, when was the last time you saw your dog?" (Y/n) asked.

"3 weeks," She stated, tears running down her face. (Y/n) sighed, wiping the girl's tears away. "T-three weeks?!" Daniel exclaimed.

"Haenguni's a major crybaby and picky when it comes to food! He'll starve if I don't find him soon," (Y/n) groaned.


After a woman who lied said that the bag general was the culprit she ended up running with animals the bag general was taking care of.

(Y/n) followed Daniel who was in front of the animal hoarder's door. "Enu!" Daniel exclaimed, banging on the door.

Daniel tried calling the police but they had stated there was no violation which was stupid.

(Y/n) had thought of many ways to solve the problem. Which all of them were illegal. "I'm sorry, Daniel. Report me because I'm breaking down this door," (Y/n) scoffed.

She twisted the handle with much force it broke up. Enu and Eden rushed outside but Haenguni wasn't anywhere to be found.

"Haenguni! Where are you," (Y/n) mumbled. Tears started to well in her eyes but she held them back for the sake of not embarrassing herself.

"Haen...guni," Her voice cracked a bit seeing as her spoiled dog was stretching "You had me worried and here you are stretching!" She sobbed.

Daniel softly smiled at the sight of her cuddling up with her dog. Johan looked back at him, the pretty boy was obviously making lovey-dovey eyes at the girl. He scoffed playfully before walking away. "Seems like you're doing good (Y/n)," He thought.

(Y/n) (L/n)Status:AliveAge:18School: Jae Won HighOccupation: Working at a company Fighting Style:Taekwondo Family: Biological mother: unknown, Step-Mother: Eun, Father: Chin-hwa, Sister: Byeol, Brother: Hyeon-U, and Haenguni Other:

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(Y/n) (L/n)
Jae Won High
Working at a company
Fighting Style:
Biological mother: unknown, Step-Mother: Eun, Father: Chin-hwa, Sister: Byeol, Brother: Hyeon-U, and Haenguni

Sorry the chapter was short...I try to make chapters at least 600+ words but failed with this one. But do not fear you'll get another chapter tomorrow since I'm feeling generous

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