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Wave to Earth
1:35━─────❍──── -5:07
↻⊲ Ⅱ ⊳ ↺
𝚅𝙾𝙻𝚄𝙼𝙴 ▂▃▄▅▆

Wave to Earth 1:35━─────❍──── -5:07↻⊲ Ⅱ ⊳ ↺𝚅𝙾𝙻𝚄𝙼𝙴 ▂▃▄▅▆

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╰┈➤ "It took so long to get here... you're lucky- why are you wearing makeup?" (Y/n) mumbled. She stared at the other woman with concern.

"No reason...why is it bad?!" Qiáng questioned, pulling out a pocket mirror. "Nope, let's go," The younger of the two sighed.

• • •

"Tomorrow, Charles Choi will fall. We've long awaited this moment..."

"Just go in you hag!" "Hag?! I'll show you hag- Hello, sorry we're late," Qiáng quickly had a smile on her face.

(Y/n)'s eyes ventured around the room basically landing on Jake Kim and Lineman. Her eyes basically twitched seeing the two.

"Long time no see, Lighting Choi," Ms. Qiáng chuckled, taking a seat next to him. "Yeah, Hawk of Buan," The blond man nodded.

(Y/n) gave a slight bow before sitting next to Jake. He looked at her slightly before turning away. "This is the Hawk of Buan, otherwise known as Qiáng Lim," The blond man said.

• • •

"Delinquent old lady, tsk tsk tsk, being a part of the pre generation? More like pre historic-" "I'm not that old!" Qiáng scoffed.

"Yeah, yeah, sure," (Y/n) rolled her eyes. "See you later," The older lady sighed, walking off. "You're just going to leave me?"

...she did just that. "Hey, let's get something to eat, you pay," Jake said, looking down at (Y/n). "Me? You're the one offering," She scoffed.

He shrugged, walking a head of her. "Let's go, I invite you pay," Jake said. She rolled her eyes but nevertheless trudged behind him.

The two walked to a small noodle shop. And the Big Deal leader basically ordered one of everything...

"So what else is new?" He grinned, knowing he just spent most of all her money. "Just shut up and eat your food," She scowled.

He chuckled, bringing the noodles up to his lips. The noodles were thick and perfectly cut and the broth it was soaked in just made it better.

"You should try this!" He exclaimed. His chopsticks picked up the noodles and offered them to her lips. "You put your mouth on those!" She scoffed.

"Just try it now, worry about germs later," Jake grinned, shoving the food closer to her. The girl sighed, taking a bite of the offered noodles.

"Gah! Why is it spicy?" She cringed at the flavor, it was good just unexpected. He had a smile imprinted on his face.

"Oh, you actually came back," Eun scoffed, taking a sip of her wine

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"Oh, you actually came back," Eun scoffed, taking a sip of her wine. "Yeah... Where's dad?" (Y/n) questioned.

"Work. They called last minute," The older woman stated. "Don't worry, you won't need to worry about him soon," Eun chuckled.

"What...what do you mean?" (Y/n) basically stuttered over her words in confusion. The woman just grinned before leaving...


(Y/n) sprawled out across her bed, looking up at the roof. " won't need to worry about him soon."

What would that mean? What could she mean by that. If anything, her stepmother would rather get rid of her than her father.

She scoffed, pushing herself up. Her eyes wondered around her room. "What is that woman up to?"

 "What is that woman up to?"

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I just curled my toes

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