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1:46━❍───────── -3:18
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╰┈➤(Y/n) just finished cleaning the dishes, putting her hands on her hips and admiring her master piece

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╰┈➤(Y/n) just finished cleaning the dishes, putting her hands on her hips and admiring her master piece.

The door soon unlocked, signaling someone just walked in. "You're home," Eun grinned. (Y/n) eyed her step mother suspicious.

That grin on her face was basically carved by a knife, it was disgusting to look at and reeked of evil. "Yeah, I finished my work early," Her father laughed.

"Mh...Take a seat," The older woman offered. Her hands directed at the seat next to her. The man set his suit case down, slightly undoing his tie.

"(Y/n). Be a doll and get your dad some food," Eun ordered. (Y/n) groaned in laziness, dragging her feet to get a plate she just cleaned.

She put the dish with food in front of her father, placing chopsticks and a spoon next to him.

As soon as he was about to take a bite, someone knocked at the door. "I'll-" "I'll get it!" (Y/n)'s step mother immediately rushed towards the door, swinging it open before even checking who was behind it.

A group of people rushed into her house. A vest with emergency services number on it. Though... something seemed fishy.

"Is this the patient?" They looked over at (Y/n) slowly eyeing her down. "No, it's him," Eun point towards Chin-Hwa.

(Y/n)'s eyes widened. "What's him? What's happening?" She questioned, looking back and forth. "He's mentally unwell, we'll get him admitted," Two people took a hold of him, dragging (Y/n)'s father outside.

(Y/n) rushed towards them but one of them held her back, pushing her towards the floor. She looked back at her wretched step mother.

The girl quickly scrambled to her feet, running out the door to chase after the ambulance van.


Grimm's Plastic Surgery.... How did she end up here? Chasing after the van, was it even an ambulance.

She huffed putting her hands on her knees as she tried to catch her breath. "Oh? What's a pretty girl like you doing out here?" A man with glasses asked, leaning a bit to get a better look at her face.

(Y/n) whipped her head towards him, taking account of his features. His eyes slightly widened as he looked at her. "You're very good looking, why are you here? Do you have an appointment?" He questioned.

He stepped forward towards her and she took two steps back. She shook her head as if saying 'no.'

Her eyes soon wondered towards his hands, the ring that displayed on his finger was familiar... It was a workers logo.

"It's always workers," She sighed. "Workers?" (Y/n) questioned, looking up at him. "...Are you working with Daniel Park?" He asked. "Where's Eugene. Is this the first affiliate?" She questioned, looking around the building.

"(Y/n), (Y/n), always ending up back here with me," Another voice chuckled. And if you guessed right, yes, it's the chairman of Workers.

"Eugene." She mumbled. "And Hangyeoul Baek," Hangyeoul grinned. (Y/n) looked at him weirdly, slowly nodding. "Mhm.. anyways."

"Why are you here this time? To take down Workers with Daniel Park?" Eugene inquired.

"I'm not working with Daniel, i'm not a leech," She scoffed. "Should we all talk somewhere more private?" Hangyeoul offered.


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"Hm...I rarely do interviews and I mostly accept guys, but you seem like a hard working woman," A man with blond hair and tanned skin hummed.

"Yeah...I'm very strong," (Y/n) held up a thumbs up. "Pfft-" The other man, Isu Jo, sitting beside the blond, Cheon Taejin, laughed. Isu sat up straight, clearing his throat. "Sorry."

"You got the job," Taejin threw a vest at her. Which she successfully did not catch and it ended up covering her head. "Oh." She mumbled.

"There are two types of patients, regular and vip," The blond explained. "What is this a drink size," (Y/n) thought.

"You'll be handling regulars but once we know you can be trusted you can handle vips," He hummed.

"Yum," (Y/n) said with a serious expression. Isu was on the verge of tears trying to not laugh. Taejin just rose a brow before walking away with Isu behind him.

"Get started," And with that he left. "Damn...right now," She said to herself. She slipped on the vest with 199 on it, and walked out.

"Oh? A girl?" One of the many guys in the group questioned, his cigarette filled breath almost making her fly away. "Did my breath smell that back then?"

"You don't have a driver's license huh?" He questioned. "Nope. I can drive a motorcycle and one of those battery powered little kid jeeps," (Y/n) explained.

"Okay... Don't worry about driving everyone else has a license," He stated, letting out a puff of his cigarette onto her face.


she was obviously going to say kill your addiction ‼️ or keep yourself safe

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she was obviously going to say kill your addiction ‼️ or keep yourself safe

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