chapter xvii

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𝚅𝙾𝙻𝚄𝙼𝙴 ▂▃▄▅▆

LavaDisney1:00━❍───────── -5:43↻ ⊲ Ⅱ ⊳ ↺𝚅𝙾𝙻𝚄𝙼𝙴 ▂▃▄▅▆

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"Oh shit-" (Y/n) said. She slowly got up and rubbed her eyes. "Why the hell am I on the floor?" She mumbled.

"I told you that'll wake her up," A voice stated. "Shut up." (Y/n) stood up as if she was on her last dying days. Someone's hands placed themselves on her sides to keep her from falling down.

Her vision finally focused and she saw two familiar faces. Gun and Goo. "Where the hell am I?!" She yelled. "Not in Sejong that's for sure," Goo shrugged, raising up his glasses.


(Y/n) was currently being treated by a personal doctor Gun had called over. They also made her take a shower due to her being found on the dirt.

"Ouch!" (Y/n) exclaimed upon feeling a burning pain in her rib cage. "It seems like you have a broken rib, above all you seem to be doing just fine," The doctor explained.

The doctor patched her up before taking his leave. (Y/n) trudged towards the kitchen before sitting down in front of Goo and Gun. The blond passed her a cup of coffee before smiling.

"So....What were you thinking young lady! You could've died, or worse been kidnapped by some weird guy!" Goo scolded, shaking his head. She took a sip of the coffee while looking at him in disgust.

"My bad for passing out, I'll just stop myself next time," She said in a sarcastic tone. "Why were you guys in Sejong anyways," The girl questioned.

"We wanted to check up on Yaunfen after hearing about you joining Workers and then we found you on the ground," Gun explained. "Now why were you passed out?" He asked. (Y/n) pursed her lips together before looking away.

"I sorta takenbyworkersandthengottakentothecircusandgotbeatupbyastrongguyandthenhadtolimpmywaythereafterrealizingworkerstokeyaunfensonowthere'snoyaunfenbecausetheyallleftme." (Y/n) said quickly.

(Taken by workers and then got taken to the circus and got beat up by a strong guy and then had to limp my way there after realizing workers toke yaunfen so now there's no yaunfen because they all left me.)

Goo stared at her in total disbelief. "Well that's the end of Sejong's Yaunfen then," Gun stated, leaning back in his chair. "I hope you fall," (Y/n) glared.

Her face suddenly turned serious. She didn't know if she should look at Gun or Goo so she just looked down.

"Do you... remember all the people you've killed?" She questioned, looking up at the last word. Gun scoffed,"Not the weak one's, I remember the strong ones though."

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