Chapter viii.

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→To which, (Y/n) gets a letter!♡

"(Y/n)! You have mail, from a Mr

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"(Y/n)! You have mail, from a Mr...Olly?" Lim stated, waving around a red letter. (Y/n) choked on her non existent drink and looked surprised.

He handed her the card, before making his way outside. The girl looked curiously at the letter.

All of you are in invited!

-Olly Wang

"Olly Wang? If Eugene wanted me to go to some weird meeting he could've just said so," (Y/n) scoffed. "Lim! We're going to do some gang business," The girl hollered.

"Only you two?" Chuck and Justin scoffed

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"Only you two?" Chuck and Justin scoffed. "Who else would you expect other than the finest of the fine?" (Y/n) grinned. "Just go take a seat..." Justin ordered. Lim ushered (Y/n) as he glared at the two.

"I got bitches all on my-" "Who are you two?" A feminine voice questioned. "(Y/n)?" Eli Jang asked.

"Oops...caught," (Y/n) raised her arms up. "We're from Yaunfen, as you know our leader is (Y/n) and I'm the vice leader, Lim. Pleasure to meet you, Hostel," Lim, being responsible out of the two, bowed.

"Oh, likewise, I'm Sally, this is Max and Derek," Sally grinned. "I'm sure you know Warren and Eli," She stated.


"He'll probably hide behind a screen again, so we don't find out who he is," Samuel stated. "Wrong." A voice said.

Everyone turned their heads to look at where the source of the voice came from from.

"I'm a bit shy. This is my first time appearing in front of everyone," The sound continued. The clack of footsteps continued down the stairs and someone within the same age group as the rest of them appeared.

It was in fact Eugene. He offered an innocent closed eyed smile. "I don't usually show my face to everyone, but today I guess I had too...

...sorry I used Olly's name, I was afraid you wouldn't come if I used my own. Allow me to introduce myself....

I'm the one who invited you all here. Though some of you may not like it, i'm the chairman of Workers. My name is Eugene, nice too meet you," The boy with glasses grinned.

"Gangseo, Big Deal. Gangdong, Hostel. Gangbuk, God Dog. And....Sejong, Yaunfen," Eugene grinned. Few turned their heads to look at the newly reunited group.

"Thanks to Olly, the four...or five, major crews are all here thanks to mention of his name! We're the Gangnam Workers. I'm aware most of you are busy. So let me get to the point...

I think we should stop fighting,"

Eugene went around questioning if any of the crews would join him

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Eugene went around questioning if any of the crews would join him. Big Deal has agreed, it would bring Jake closer to meeting Sinu after all right? Hostel had denied his offer.

"Yaunfen?" Eugene grinned, turning to the two in the far corner. "What do you say?" He repeated. (Y/n) put a finger to her chin as if she was thinking. Though her head was empty.

"I'll help you find what you're still looking for," He continued. Lim turned his head to look at (Y/n). "What does he mean?" Lim questioned.

"You didn't tell him?" Eugene asked, a teasing smile on his lip. She scoffed, crossing her arms. "I'll join, but I'll stick to my same rules," (Y/n) sighed.

Yaunfen was now acquainted with Workers.

After finding out about Johan's vision all hell let loose. "The girls are fighting," (Y/n) yawned.

Samuel bumped both Eli and Jake down making it to which their lips were pressed against each other. (Y/n) would of fell to her knees and punch the floor while saying "That was supposed to be me!" But she refrained herself

"You don't think you should stop this?" She questioned towards Eugene. "Whatever do you mean?" He asked, furrowing his brows as if confused. "Bastards these days are getting hotter," (Y/n) stated in her mind.

"Will you fight your own friends if that means to find out a single name?" Eugene asked. (Y/n) nodded without second thought.

"I don't deserve to have friends," She mentioned. Eugene frowned at her statement. "I came to save you," A voice said.

"Let's see if that's true," The boy with glasses grinned slyly. "You hot, lunatic, asshole-" (Y/n) huffed.

 Other: Helpless romantic

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Other: Helpless romantic

ANYWAYS I caused too much stress on my self and I got a lil too much anxiety from that stress so I got chest pains ☠️

But but but you are lying when you tell me people can actually like close their eyes and imagine things all I see is darkness man... Can imagine things like vividly?

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