chapter ii.

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→To which, (Y/n) is herself.

We're sorry for the inconveniences so far, passengers, but we're yet to stop again due to problems on our designated route

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We're sorry for the inconveniences so far, passengers, but we're yet to stop again due to problems on our designated route. Please do not attempt to escape the train, we will know. Stay seated and help yourself to any food out staff brings out. We hope you enjoy your ride home.

"(Y/N)!" Luna cried, engulfing the girl into a hug

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"(Y/N)!" Luna cried, engulfing the girl into a hug. "You don't know how much I had to deal with that Logan guy!" She scoffed.

"I'm sorry, I was sick," (Y/n) lied. "Sick? What were you sick of? Life?" Luna joked. "You wouldn't be that far off," The artist laughed.


(Y/n) made her way to the fashion department and coughed out in shock seeing a rather... shocking sight. "Not gonna lie, your ass is kinda out the window," She stated. Warren Chae was currently trying to climb through the window.

"I'll see my way out," The girl continued....

Booger Picker🙄:
Buy me food peasant.

Well hello to you too
my dear brother Hyeon-U

Booger Picker 🙄:



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