chapter iv.

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→To which, (Y/n) is met by a strange visitor.


"Eugene? What are you doing here?" (Y/n)'s mouth was agape

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"Eugene? What are you doing here?" (Y/n)'s mouth was agape. Who wouldn't be surprised if some guy showed up at their doorstep?

"(Y/n), may I come in?" The black haired teen asked. He gave her a closed eyes smile all while adjusting his glasses. " may," She opened the door a bit wider, allowing him to enter the (L/n) residence.

"Take a seat, do you want anything to drink?" The girl offered, still wondering what this guy was doing in her house. "No, thank you, i'm just here to discuss somethings," He stated. Eugene sat down on a singler couch apart from the large one.

(Y/n) sat on the couch with more room on it, awaiting the important thing he had to tell her at 10:00 at night. "I want you and me to work together," Eugene insisted. "Work? Sorry but after recent illegal activities of ONE MCN-" "No, not in work," He cut her off.

Her mind went in a whole different direction after that. "Sorry I don't do those kinds favors-" "Now you just went south," He sighed. "I mean if you want me to go south-" "(Y/n), please hear me out. I feel as if Yaunfen will be a great addition to Workers," The teen pushed up his glasses and looked at (Y/n).

"I don't lead Yaunfen anymore," She glared. He laughed, crossing his legs. "Well you will, because if you don't I have ways to make you," His comment was innocent yet threatening. "This guy sure is trouble. Hot trouble-"

"I could care less if you destroy my dad's company or kill all my friends," (Y/n) scoffed. She was starting to grow angered and impatient.

"Lim. You don't know his first name correct? Workers can find that for you. Or would you like to know more about your dad? Maybe more about yourself," Eugene commented. "Fuck." She tightly gritted her teeth.

"Temporary...we'll work together temporary! You drive a hard bargain Mr. Eugene," She pouted. "I look forward to our partnership." Eugene grinned.

(Y/n) decided going to Yaunfen at 12 in the morning was the smartest idea she ever had

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(Y/n) decided going to Yaunfen at 12 in the morning was the smartest idea she ever had. "Hey! State your business," Someone guarding the front entrance of the abandoned construction site ordered.

"Ahem...I need to meet the leader of this gang," She cleared her throat nervously. "We don't have one, only vice," They stated, raising a brow. "Fine, fine whatever, I just need to talk to someone in charge," The girl waved her hand around.

The person scoffed and shoved her forward. "Okay! Okay! I'm going," (Y/n) exclaimed.

This guard or whatever led her to the top of a bunch of junk. "You do understand what time it is?" A croaky voice groaned. It was obviously from being awaken at 12 IN THE MORNING.

"You seemed more like a night person if I was being honest," An almost angelic voice rang through his ears. He whipped his head to look at the nostalgic sound. Lim felt almost like a wimp for tearing up. The boy wrapped his hands tightly around her, cuddling into the side of her neck.

"(Y/n)..." His voice cracked. Lim tried to keep his composure but that failed, small tears tinkled down his face. The guard had skedaddled away already.

"You cut your hair? That's nice," She laughed, letting her fingers tease at his short strands. "I'm sorry..." He kept repeating that phrase no matter how many times (Y/n) said it was alright.

"I don't think I can lead them by myself, (Y/n)," Lim mumbled. "Let me then," The girl offered. The boy lifted his head upon hearing this. "what?" He was in utter disbelief.

"I'll lead Yaunfen. I just need you by myside, Lim," She grinned. He grinned, it would finally be like old times. "I'd like that,"

"What the hell do you mean you're leaving?!" Chin-hwa, (Y/n)'s dad, fumed

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"What the hell do you mean you're leaving?!" Chin-hwa, (Y/n)'s dad, fumed. "Exactly what it sound like," The girl scoffed.

"I sacrificed so much just to get you back and this is how you repay me?!" He exclaimed. This struck a nerve within (Y/n)'s head. "Well you should have just left me if you already had another family, I didn't want one," She scoffed.

"Is this about money? Is that what you want more?" Her father questioned. "This isn't about stupid money! It never was! That's all you care about," Her voice straining, whether it was anger or sadness she about to give out any second. "Has the guilt from killing that guy with a pallette knife finally taken over?" Chin-hwa questioned.

She stuck her lips together, until they turned a light shade from all the pressure. "If you want, murder me like you did to my mom... I'm done with you and this family," (Y/n) stated, heading out the door. Her dad's eyes widened at her statement.

"I'll cancel all your credit cards!" He threatened. The girl threw them to the ground, she had already taken out cash money. Plus this girl had ways to get money. "Bye bye," (Y/n) grinned.

Other:Needs mental, physical, money, academic, ect

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Needs mental, physical, money, academic, ect. help


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