Chapter XXIX

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---In which the sales of  bodily fluid are investigated by (Y/n) and others.

(Y/n) was walking towards school, being herself kicking rocks and such

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(Y/n) was walking towards school, being herself kicking rocks and such. She was admiring the pebble hitting bumps on the road but was soon interrupted.

"E-excuse me! Are you interested in selling your used stocking? If you spit on me i'll give you $50! Or fill this bottle for 100..." A business like boy offered.

She looked him up and down, raising a brow at his words. "Really?! Let me see that money!" (Y/n) grinned.

The predator scrambled for his pockets, taking out his wallet. He took out a $50 and held it out. (Y/n) snatches the money and put it in the sun light.

"Ok...ok, this checks out. Now close your eyes," She explained. He did as said, closing his eyes. (Y/n) booked it with the cash and ran away.

(Y/n) was running up and down the hallways, full of adrenaline from running away from the creep

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(Y/n) was running up and down the hallways, full of adrenaline from running away from the creep. She peeped into fashion departments class and saw Jace, Zoe, Mira, Zack and Daniel all in a group.

So obviously she was going to join as well. "Same for my dolphin shorts," Zoe had said before (Y/n) stormed in.

She panted and held up the $50 dollar bill like a trophy. To her it was less than a penny but funny since she stole it from someone who didn't deserve.

"Guess who just got money from an old, disgusting, atrocious, gut wenching, guy!" The (e/c) girl grinned.

"(Y/n)! Did you sell your spit?" Zack questioned, he was very much intrigued by how much money could be produced.

"Not exactly...I scammed that thing. I told him I would and ran. Originally I was going to throw cat's piss at him but changed my mind," She laughed, innocently.

"That's dangerous, (Y/n)," Jace sighed, rubbing at his temples. "I know," The girl shrugged.

Her hand reached out for his ear but got slapped away. The boy with the large ears gave her a harsh glare as a warning.

"Meanie..." (Y/n) huffed. "I looked into it because it could be Hostel's money maker," Jace commented.

This seemed to perk Daniel Park's interest. (Y/n) thought long and hard about that word.

"Hostel? The gang thingy? I hung out with their leader not to long ago... depending on which one," She coughed out the last part.

"You know Hostel?!" Zack questioned. "Kinda maybe, $200,000 and I'll tell you everything," (Y/n) gave him a cheeky grin.


(Y/n) stared at her phone, scrolling through different apps and gasped seeing such a familiar face

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(Y/n) stared at her phone, scrolling through different apps and gasped seeing such a familiar face. And no it wasn't Han from stray kids. It was herself?

With the description: Stocking for sale(Used) dm for details.

She stood shocked at her phone. "They used such a flattering image, I would buy it too," She mumbled. "Wait that's not important! Those aren't my thighs..."


"What the hell do you mean someone pretending to be isn't a crime?!" (Y/n) exclaimed.

"I-I understand Ms. (Y/n), but there isn't much we can do. Plus selling stockings isn't a crime by law..." The front desk employee explained.

The police station was ass, they couldn't do much anyways. Zoe, Mira, Mary, (Y/n) had all become victims of this business.

(Y/n) punches the shit out of a training dummy until it looked like a real murder scene

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(Y/n) punches the shit out of a training dummy until it looked like a real murder scene. Her boiling anger was well fit for this type of thing.

If she found it it was really the organization Hostel under Olly Wang, she was going to demote him to just friend not best friend.


"Hey, mother, I'm running away, I'll be back in a few days," (Y/n) grinned, having a full paw patrol bag full of stuff.

"Yeah, yeah whatever, just don't let your grades drop," The woman waved around a cigarette.

"Yes, ma'am," the younger girl bowed. "Now let's go kick some ass,"

(Y/n) (L/n)Status:AliveAge:1🥳School: Jae Won HighOccupation: Working at a company Fighting Style:Whoop assFamily: Biological mother: unknown, Step-Mother: Eun, Father: Chin-hwa, Sister: Byeol, Brother: Hyeon-U, and Haenguni Other: Hot

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(Y/n) (L/n)
Jae Won High
Working at a company
Fighting Style:
Whoop ass
Biological mother: unknown, Step-Mother: Eun, Father: Chin-hwa, Sister: Byeol, Brother: Hyeon-U, and Haenguni

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