Chapter V

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----In which (Y/n) surprisingly turns in her assignment on time.

"(Y/n)! How did the painting go?" Daniel questioned, wrapping his arm around the girl

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"(Y/n)! How did the painting go?" Daniel questioned, wrapping his arm around the girl. They were relatively the same height.

"I finished luckily, thanks for helping out I guess," She scoffed. "She's nice to others maybe it's something about me she hates?" Daniel questioned in his head.

"I'm heading over to lunch. Do you want to join?" He offered. "I don't have time to be eating lunch," She stated. "Huh? That's not good for your health! Do you eat breakfast? C'mon join me!" Daniel exclaimed, dragging her away to the canteen.

He handed her a tray. (Y/n)'s eye twitched as she accepted it. "Where's Jiho?" She questioned. "Ah! He's already at the table, I wanted to talk to you," Daniel informed.

(Y/n) scoffed as she made her way the where the glasses boy was sitting. "Worry about yourself, Daniel Park." (Y/n) mumbled. "I think i'll take a while for her to warm up to me." He stated to himself.

Jiho blushed at the sight of (Y/n) approaching the table. "(Y/n)! Wait up," Daniel sweatdropped.

"High kick!" Vin Jin from the Music dept. Stated. Duke toppled over a bit. "That's more like a constipated kick..."She mumbled.

"Duke. I used to be like him before I started hanging out with you," Jiho stated. "Do you know him? Invite him over," Daniel grinned.

Many groups of people looked over at the table the 4 we're seated at

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Many groups of people looked over at the table the 4 we're seated at. (Y/n) stared at the tray before gulping.

"What's wrong? Do you need water or something?" Daniel questioned. "No... it's nothing," She whispered.

She let the food enter her mouth as she painfully swallowed. "I haven't been able to eat food like this is a while!" She held a small smile on her face. Though that second of happiness soon turned into anger as a cup went flying at her forehead.

"Fucking damn it!" (Y/n) cursed. "Hey Duke, get me some water." Vin ordered. She held onto her forehead, her face boiling with anger.

"Get it yourself, you broke your arm or something?" Zack questioned. His eyes wondered to (Y/n) who was cursing at everyone in her path as she held her head.

"You okay?" Daniel questioned. "Do I look okay? You try getting hit by a metal cup," She hissed.

"Hey, black glasses, pick up your cup," Vasco said. (Y/n) stood up taking a hold of the cup. Her grip became more firm as she crushed it between her hands. "Fuck, I'm leaving," (Y/n) stated.

"That was metal..."

Vasco walked into the infirmary, being met face-to-face by (Y/n) with an ice pack on her forehead

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Vasco walked into the infirmary, being met face-to-face by (Y/n) with an ice pack on her forehead. "Vasco? Did you get hurt too?" She questioned.

He handed her a chocolate milk with slight blush on his face. "I found it on the street..." Vasco muttered. She knew it was an obvious lie but nevertheless accepted it.

"Thanks! I didn't get to finish my lunch so this helps," (Y/n) grinned. The Burn Knuckles' leader nodded before walking away nervously.

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(Y/n) (L/n)Status:AliveAge:17-18School: Jae Won HighOccupation: UnknownFighting Style:Taekwondo Family: Unknown Mother and Father Other: Can crush metal cups, has friends(not click bait!)

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(Y/n) (L/n)
Jae Won High
Fighting Style:
Unknown Mother and Father
Can crush metal cups, has friends(not click bait!)

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