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Not strong enough
2:44━❍───────── -3:55
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𝚅𝙾𝙻𝚄𝙼𝙴 ▂▃▄▅▆

╰┈➤If you had one wish in the world what would it be? Would you wish that your dead love one come back to life, or that you had more money than stars in the sky?

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╰┈➤If you had one wish in the world what would it be? Would you wish that your dead love one come back to life, or that you had more money than stars in the sky?

Would you wish for happiness and peace? If you had a wish, you'd probably use it for yourself, right? Everyone has some sorta of greed whether you like it or not.

Everyone wants to be happy in some sort of way. The want is there deep down. Everyone has the right to be selfish. Even if they're the worst person ever.

So why can't I be selfish just this once?


(Y/n) walked around, looking at every tile her foot would hit. She turned her head to the side seeing a blond and a boy with a shaved head.

She took a step inside out of curiosity. Jay had his arms wrapped around Daniel, not in a harming way but a hug. Though he was soon shoved to the floor.

"Ouch...He looked so happy to see you too," She hummed. Daniel approached her, an unreadable expression on his face. Was it the ultra instinct or whatever it was called?

He punched her effortlessly. Her stomach practically rearranged itself as she flew back and hit the wall. She spit out blood from her mouth. "Fuck..." (Y/n) groaned, holding her stomach.

He walked towards her again, this time she wasted no time to grab a hold of him and throw him towards the floor. He quickly caught himself, bouncing back up.

"Well just my luck," She sighed.


"Ms. Qiáng, did you ever experience ultra instinct?" (Y/n) questioned. The older lady stayed silent in thought. "Hm...I think only once." She shrugged. "I wouldn't remember how or why though."

"Hey, Gun, since you're always in this 'unconscious' state, was there a point where your eyes weren't like that?" (Y/n) asked, leaning against him.

"Get off me if you're going to ask idiotic questions." He scoffed trying to shake her off. (Y/n) wrapped her arms around him, leaning her face against his shoulder.

"It's very reasonable, plus I only met you um-" "It's been around 3 or 2 years," Gun stated. "See you even remembered our anniversary," She teased.

"Anniversary my ass," He scoffed, pushing her off. "Haven't you experienced ultra instinct?" Gun questioned.

"I don't remember what I ate yesterday, I doubt I'll know that," (Y/n) laughed.


Daniel launched a punch at her face. (Y/n) caught his fist and twisted his arm in the opposite direction.

He pushed her away, causing her to take a step back. As she was going to throw another punch but someone's hand caught a hold of hers.

"What the-?" "I got this," Small Daniel mumbled. (Y/n) was almost embarrassed to see him.

"He didn't even fight back...he just let you beat him up, you son of a bitch," Small Daniel scoffed.

He barely got another chance as Big Daniel punched across his jaw. They used moves that (Y/n) swore she saw before.

Small Daniel was thrown towards the floor, sliding across it until he was against her feet. The other Daniel approached, jumping up with his leg stretches out.

(Y/n) acted out of instinct and caught Big Daniel's foot. "Seems like we were a bit late," Vasco stated.

Warren and Jerry stood beside her taking a hold his leg along with her. "Seems like he's in that state which I've only heard rumors of. Are you going to be okay to fight in your condition?" Warren asked Jerry.

"I should be asking you the same thing. It's okay if you want to run away," Jerry mocked. "We're up against a monster after all, don't die," They both said.

"(Y/n), you might want to-" "Shut up," (Y/n) scoffed. "Little Dan-" Vasco's shouts soon came to a halt.

Little Daniel slowly picked himself up. His eyes showed that he was in an unconscious state. Was it ultra instinct?

"Little Daniel... hit me!" Vasco exclaimed. Both Daniel stood before each other, whether they were looking up or down at each other, they both had an unreadable look on their faces.

Little Daniel and Big Daniel suddenly started to fight each other. And by the look of it, if any of the other four interfered... they'd be done for.

havent updated this book since last year guys

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havent updated this book since last year guys ...

but yeah I haven't read lookism in a while but suddenly there's two hot characters ⁉️ so I got back to work 😞

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