chapter xvi

674 45 7

Shoot me
Day 6

2:25━──────❍─── 3:00

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𝚅𝙾𝙻𝚄𝙼𝙴 ▂▃▄▅▆

(Y/n) sat in a booth at a 24/7 diner, eating her sad, sad, sad, night pancakes

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(Y/n) sat in a booth at a 24/7 diner, eating her sad, sad, sad, night pancakes. "(Y/n)?" A chilling voice stated. It rang through the restaurant which played old 80's music through the speakers.

The waitresses cleaning the counters and floors was the only other breathing creature there."Oh, it's you," She mumbled, not daring to look up. Samuel Seo.

"I'm surprised you joined workers," He stated. She hummed in return, letting her fork sit in her mouth. "Do you think i'm doing too much? What am I even doing it for? A name, a backstory, myself?" (Y/n) sighed.

"Oh my bad, I should overwhelm you with my ranting. After all, we barely know each other," She stated, taking another bit from her breakfast food.

Samuel slammed his hands on the table, his neatly styled hair getting messed up in the process. The waitress just walked away, only getting paid 3 dollars to deal with people.

"Look me in the eye...and tell me why? Why won't you say you remember?!" Samuel gritted his teeth and furrowed his eyebrows. "I don't understand?" She mumbled, raising a brow.

"The man you murdered out of spite, jealousy, revenge? You seem to not get properly sentenced," The black haired man stated. He looked her into the eyes even if her's weren't on him.

She stayed silent, pursing her lips together. Her mouth suddenly opened letting the words slip out her mouth like butter, "I'm sorry, I don't recall any of that."

"Oh course you don't," He scoffed, "you probably saw it as a mere person out of the rest you brutally murdered."

(Y/n) built up the confidence to finally look up at him. A grin teased at her lips. Curling up into an ill-favored smile. "You really are a maniac," Samuel sighed.

"So mean, Sammy," She pouted her lip. "Just wait until you head back to Sejong," He mumbled, avoiding eye contact.

"What do you mean? Did Workers go to Sejong?! Samuel!" (Y/n) exclaimed. Her once sinister grin turning into a stunned, worried face.

"Go see for yourself," Samuel said. This time it was his turn to smile. He was mocking her.

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