Chapter X

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----In which, (Y/n) becomes more social. (Not click bait! Do not do at 3am.)

(Y/n)'s eye twitched as Daniel approached her

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(Y/n)'s eye twitched as Daniel approached her. "What do you want now, Park?" She asked, setting down her paint brush.

"Let's eat lunch together!" He grinned. (Y/n) looked at him speechlessly. "... Okay," She said, eyeing him suspiciously.

"What is up with you Daniel Park?" She sighed. Her hands stretched back to untie her apron but her approach was stopped by the pretty boy. "I'll help you with that!"

(Y/n)'s hands fell to her sides as his hands gently untied her apron. His hands slightly grazing her back as he jolted away. "I'm sorry!" Daniel exclaimed.

"Jeez you just touched my back not like you undressed me nude," She rolled her eyes. "That's not a good alternative..." The black haired teen mumbled.

"Could you think of a better one?" (Y/n) questioned. "Well-!" "Let's go," She stated. Her hand took lead of his as she pulled him towards the canteen. He looked down at his  hand, the warmth transferring between them. His face turned a rouge shade of pink.

(Y/n) was devouring her food as Duke and Jiho eyed each other

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(Y/n) was devouring her food as Duke and Jiho eyed each other. Daniel had a smile plastered on his face the whole time.

"You seem really hungry..." Jiho stated. "Ah, because I wasn't allowed to eat yesterday whatever that means," She grinned.

"Huh?! That sounds like hell!" Daniel outbursts. "Hm? I guess depends on what hell sounds like to you," (Y/n) shrugged.

"I see, you can have some of my lunch if you're still hungry," The taller Daniel offered. "No thanks, disrespectfully," She smiled.

(Y/n) isn't one to check her phone regularly despite the amount of notifications she got

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(Y/n) isn't one to check her phone regularly despite the amount of notifications she got. So maybe it was luck that your texts get noticed by the (Y/n) (L/n).

This is (Y/n) right?
It's Eli Jang! I was wondering
if you're free right now?

My shift is almost over
so if you could come by
that would work.

(Y/n) the Artist:
Yeah, I'll be there in a bit.

Hair Murderer:
Great! I'll send

you the address😁


"Did I sound too formal?" (Y/n) sighed. "Now...what to wear," She thought to herself.

"Maybe something casual and elegant?" Mr. Lim recommended. "Gah! I forgot you were there. Sometimes I forget we're the same age too..." She stated.

"I see, I'll drive you there if needed," He said. "What would I do without you..."

(Y/n) stood at the place Eli had told her, awaiting his presence

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(Y/n) stood at the place Eli had told her, awaiting his presence. Though, the sudden feeling of something hit her leg, she looked down.

"Who's damn child is this..." She mumbled. The kid seemed around 2-3 years old by the looks of it. The toddler grinned at her sudden statement and latched onto her leg.

(Y/n) was stunned at the sudden action and crouched down the height of her. The child wore yellow clothing and had brown hair .

"There's some real weirdos out there, i'll keep you safe though kid!" She declared. "Ga!" The little girl cheered.

"I know, i'm that cool aren't I?" The teen said, picking up the other girl.


Well, maybe I guess it's safe to say that (Y/n) has been attached to this child waiting for the parents to pick her up for the past 5 minutes.

"Yenna! Yenna!" A voice roared. The familiar voice of Eli Jang....

"Is this your kid?" (Y/n) asked, "Yenna" within her arms. "Ga!" The little girl cheered. "(Y/n)! Yenna! Oh you're safe!" Eli sighed in relief.

"She must've escaped while I was working, I'm sorry for troubling you (Y/n). Did you wait long?" The mixed hair colored teen question.

"You have a kid..." (Y/n) questioned. Eli grinned holding up Yenna. "Isn't she adorable?" He said.

"We love a family man..."

"Now my arms feel so empty without her, give her back!" (Y/n) demanded. "Aha, you'll have to catch me then!" The hairstylist laughed. To others they looked like an immature couple with a kid. But to themselves they were just enjoying life.

(Y/n) (L/n)Status:AliveAge:17-18School: Jae Won HighOccupation: UnknownFighting Style:Taekwondo Family: Unknown Mother and Father and sister, Haenguni Other: Is great with children (hire her today)

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(Y/n) (L/n)
Jae Won High
Fighting Style:
Unknown Mother and Father and sister, Haenguni
Is great with children (hire her today)

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