chapter iii.

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To which, we explore (Y/n)'s past a bit

Also warning, the banner might scare some of you if you are reading at 3 am, so hide your feet

Also warning, the banner might scare some of you if you are reading at 3 am, so hide your feet

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Pots. Plates. Cups. Bowls. Vases. Even small dolls. These items made from clay littered the small sheltered house. (Y/n) looked down upon her mom. The woman was laid down on a small bed on the floor.

The woman continued to drink herself to death even in her last breaths. "(Y/n), get out of here, if I see you again I just might kill you," The woman who deemed the name of her mother snarled.

(Y/n) was used to this, she walked outside the small home. The little girl made herself comfortable outside, soon she fell asleep there. It was the only place she was comfortable at...

"Why can't you understand your mom was a manipulator?! She was a horrible horrible person! Why do you still hold on to her memories!" (Y/n)'s dad exclaimed

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"Why can't you understand your mom was a manipulator?! She was a horrible horrible person! Why do you still hold on to her memories!" (Y/n)'s dad exclaimed. Anyone would be mad at this girl's stupidness.

"No! I don't understand! She was a goo....she was a horrible person?" The girl had to think about this. Was her mom who she thought she was? No, nobody truly is who they say they are, or who they think they are. Why would this cruel woman be any different?


"My gang isn't a family like Hostel, or pure chaos like Workers. They're not loyal like Big deal either. They're also not wild like God Dog," (Y/n) stated.

"Then what are they like?" Goo asked, her answer wouldn't really change his thoughts on this gang. "I don't know, they're not family but care for each other. My crew respect innocent people who have nothing to do with the fight. Also, choose and pick their battles," She explained, looking up every so often.

"You seem very proud about that," The teen sighed. "I am," The girl grinned. "So why don't you go back?" The blond questioned.

"...I don't know,"

"(Y/n)? Where are you? I thought you were coming back?" Daniel asked, through the phone

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"(Y/n)? Where are you? I thought you were coming back?" Daniel asked, through the phone. "Yeah, yeah, I'm here. Look behind you,"

The boy did as told and saw nothing.

"Pffttt---you probably looked stupid looking at nothing. I'm not there yet," She stated. His face suddenly heated up from embarrassment. He must've actually looked stupid looking around.

"Please hurry up..." Daniel mumbled. (Y/n) wish she could but she was waiting for an old lady to cross the street. And not mention she almost ran over a kid in the side of the road.

And now someone was trying to break into her car....just great. They made eye contact for a second while (Y/n) just decided this was fate and opened the door.

"Hello, little (Y/n)!" The person cooed. "Tom Lee what are you doing in my car..." She mumbled. "Let's go to One MCN, that's where you're heading right?" Tom grinned.

They had arrived and the older man was the only one who kept a conversation going. If the girl was being honest he kinda gave her the ick. And for one reason only....

"(Y/n), why don't you show me your dangler?" Tom Lee grinned. "For the last time I don't have one! And that's not something to talk about in the elevator," The girl sighed. That's the reason he gets on her nerves.

The elevator had stopped, signaling that they had arrived at their destination. The sound of Alexander trying to make Daniel and Warren into pancakes was amusing to the older man.

"And there he goes again." (Y/n) sighed.

"If you move one more time, i'll murder you," (Y/n) gritted her teeth

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"If you move one more time, i'll murder you," (Y/n) gritted her teeth. "Who bites people in the eye..." She mumbled. (Y/n) tried her best to clean up the blood covering Warren's face.

"Get in the car, you get big Daniel I'll get the other one," She sighed. "(You can) drive?" Warren questioned. (Y/n) looked at him as if he just asked her if her name was (Y/n). "Nah, I just stole a car and decided to drive,"

From the sudden knock of the door, (Y/n) was instantly alarmed

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From the sudden knock of the door, (Y/n) was instantly alarmed. Hyeon-U and Byeol were at a friend's place, her mother and father were at work. And all the bodyguards were off duty.

(Y/n) picked up the nearest deadliest item in the kitchen. A salt shaker! She approached the door slowly, the knocking was still calm and gentle. Strange....a robber wouldn't knock or be nice in general.

The girl opened the door without checking the peep hole, like an idiot, and with the sudden swing of the door she was face to faced with someone.


Other: doesn't have a dangler ‼️

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Other: doesn't have a dangler ‼️

I'm emo guys. Real. Not click bait ‼️‼️

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