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Wave to Earth

0:01━❍───────── -4:24
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𝚅𝙾𝙻𝚄𝙼𝙴 ▂▃▄▅▆

╰┈➤(Y/n) was slowly cutting up vegetables as Hyeon-U was stealing the carrots

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╰┈➤(Y/n) was slowly cutting up vegetables as Hyeon-U was stealing the carrots. Her step sister, Byeol, was seasoning the chicken and putting it in the oven.

And their mother? She was sitting at the table, sipping wine, and scrolling through her phone.

"When one of you finish, grab me another bottle," The older woman demanded. (Y/n) rolled her eyes, cutting the vegetables slower and louder.

A small knock was heard at the door and the three siblings looked at each other. "Rock, paper, scissors!" The trio chanted.

"Ughh!" (Y/n) whined, holding up rock while the other two held up paper. She trudged towards the door, upon arrival she heard slight chatter.

"...what if she doesn't agree?" "..." "You're right, I shouldn't worry too much." "..."

The voices behind the door made her want to run away and go into the oven but nevertheless she opened it. And surprise surprise...

It was Jay and Daniel. "(Y/n)...can we talk?" The black haired teen grinned. She sighed, slipping on her shoes. "Hyeon-U! Take care of the vegetables, I'll be back," She exclaimed.

"Let's go," (Y/n) mumbled, closing the door behind her. "What do you want?" She questioned.

Daniel cleared his throat, standing awkwardly in front of her. The blond stayed silent, his hands tucked away.

"I'd like to talk more in depth...Can you meet me here later?" With Daniel words, Jay handed the girl a slip of paper.

(Y/n) looked at the piece of paper, an address written on them. "Why would I?" She rose a brow.





"Please, (Y/n)?"

"Nuh uh."

Daniel sighed, clasping his hands together. "I promise I won't waste your time! Just meet us there," He sighed. "I'll think about it, then," (Y/n) said.


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"...No one's allowed to jerk me off but me!" A voice exclaimed. (Y/n) basically wanted to turn back now. And why was their door wide open?

"Really? A crew named Allied! Who even comes up with that!" A certain male with sunglasses laughed. (Y/n) approached the door as Vin Jin was exiting it.

He stopped in his tracks for a moment. A small 'tsk' sound made it's way out of his mouth as he bumped shoulders with her.

"Oh... okay," She mumbled. "Wait were those the glasses I got him when I still went to school...?" (Y/n) shrugged her thoughts off.

"Smells like dudes up in here...and wood," She scoffed. "(Y/n)! You're actually here..." Daniel grinned. In reality he hopes one of the two people he chose would join him.

"You told me to, I wasn't going to be rude," The second part of her sentence was our lies. Byeol actually burnt the chicken so she left the house to get a new one. Though, her thoughts took over instead.

"We'd like you to join us," Daniel offered. (Y/n) looked around the room. "Let's see...that one guy, Hudson, Zack that guy who boxes,Vasco the Vasco one , Jay the blond,and um Daniel," She examined the room.


"What do you mean, 'nah?'" Zack questioned. "I mean no," She shrugged. The group all looked at her in confusion.

"We done?" (Y/n) questioned. "Do you know anything about Grimm's plastic surgery? Anything sketchy?" Vasco asked, taking a step forward.

"No? Do you think I get plastic surgery? I know I look flat but I wear bandages-" "Stop it," Hudson scoffed. "Okay." She pressed her lips together, standing awkwardly.

"Can I go now?" (Y/n) inquired. "Well do you-" "Daniel, Jace is calling," Vasco held out his phone towards the black haired teen.

"Can't you answer?" While they were distracted with Vasco's fiasco, (Y/n) took the liberty to scadadle.

My bus driver quit

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My bus driver quit.


Anyways 😜

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