Chapter XV

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-----In which, (Y/n) tries to explain herself to Daniel Park.


"If you didn't like me just stop talking to me, why waste your time?"

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"If you didn't like me just stop talking to me, why waste your time?"

"It's not a big deal whether we talk or not! I feel guilty," (Y/n) scoffed, puffing smoke out of her mouth.

Haenguni barked angry at the teen. "I forgot you don't like the smell of smoke," She sighed. "Fine you crybaby, I'll put it out,"

(Y/n) took ahold of the dog's leash, standing up from the bench she was seated at. Her eyes caught glance at what seemed like Daniel and Jay walking their dogs.

It was already too late, she came face to face with the one she had been trying to avoid. Daniel Park.

He sort looked at her weirdy, about to walk off. "Hey Daniel, I don't hate you....I'm sorry," She bowed.

The black haired teen's eyes shot up as he wore a grin on his face. "She doesn't hate me!"

"Well whatever! Haenguni let's go..." (Y/n) mumbled, pulling her dog away. "(Y/n)!" The pretty boy exclaimed. She stopped in her tracks and turned around.

"I'm glad," He smiled."I now have a love-hate relationship with pretty boys." She noted.

(Y/n) scoffed, turning away. Though the little selfish kid-like creature didn't let her. "Haenguni! C'mon move!" The girl demanded.

The dog carefully took a sniff at Enu, who just sat there happily. Daniel chuckled, running a hand through his hair.

"I guess they're friends, just like us," He stated. "Friends?" She asked. The black haired boy nodded. "This means we're friends now, right?" He questioned.

"Is that your definition or friends? We could be a unicorn or rainbow, you could call it whatever," (Y/n) scoffed. It was obvious she was embarrassed, Daniel chuckled at her expression. "Sure, we can be a unicorn or rainbow, (Y/n)," The boy mumbled.

"Haenguni! Stop sniffing and let's go," (Y/n) scolded. The dog agreed in their own way as the small creature trotted away.

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