chapter xiv

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Ant Shaking

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Ant Shaking.

(Y/n) probably just witnessed murder as the game had begun. "Marcus dies instantly!" Nevermind she did witness a murder.

"Sally," Daniel called the girl over. (Y/n) stared at the dead body, wondering why Eugene made her go through this.

Sally was up next, against Hyottoko. "Sally Park! What do you think you're doing?!" Warren exclaimed with Daniel holding him back.

Finger Gun. And with that the short haired girl had won against the total beast of Hyottoko.

"V for victory!" Sally exclaimed. (Y/n) had joined in celebrating for her surviving.


"Participates 95, 96, 97, 98, and 100 have all made it to the next round! 53 people remain!" Neko announced.

Gas Hell

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Gas Hell

Participants 95-100 had survived thanks to Vin Jin's shirt. Rest in peace, it had a nice life.

"What was the third game again?" "Give me back my shirt...this is embarrassing," Vin Jin mumbled. (Y/n) patted his bare back, before wiping it on her shirt in disgust.

She held up a thumbs up. "You look hot, don't worry," (Y/n) encouraged like that was going to make it better.

"The third game is produce, so this how the game works-" "Hey, you monkeys..." Three people said.

"Well hello to you too," (Y/n) scoffed. And in an instant, Warren, Zack, and Vin punched them to the ground.

People cheered and bet billions of wons on them.

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