Chapter XXI

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----In which , (Y/n) faces the past.

For years Johan was brutally bullied called "Zack's Beggar Friend

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For years Johan was brutally bullied called "Zack's Beggar Friend." As the boy ran away after Zack protectes him, he was too embarrassed because Mira saw.

He didn't want to face any of them so he kept running but with his eyes closed. He ended up bumping into someone's back. 

"I'm sorry!" He exclaimed. The girl had a school shirt that was unbuttoned all the way, revealing a tattoo on her chest. "Is she a thug? Is she going to rob me?!" All these thoughts and more went through his mind.

"Johan? Is that you for real?" The girl giggled. "Huh?" Johan took a good look at face face. "(Y/n)!" He yelled.

"Wow, you got cuter," She said, ruffling his hair. The boy's face got red, redder than crimson.

Her hand caressed his face. "Did you get beat up or something?" (Y/n) questioned. "Urm, no," He lied.

"If you say so, how's your mom?" She asked. "Her vision got worse," Johan sighed. "Really? And eye surgery is expensive plus the wait...I hope she gets better!" She exclaimed, clasping their hands together.

"Yeah..." He mumbled. His eyes twinkled at the sight of her. She wasn't as nervous and shy as before, she had grown. Unlike him. They were now both 15, the same age so why were they so different.

"Boss! We got a report of some enemies on our turf!" A random guy exclaimed. "This gangs can't keep themselves huh? I'll see you later, Johan," (Y/n) grinned. He nodded, his eyes followed her as she walked away.

(Y/n) was sitting in the back seat with Johan, Zack and Mira in front of them and before those two Johan's mom and some church guy were in the driver's and passenger's seat

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(Y/n) was sitting in the back seat with Johan, Zack and Mira in front of them and before those two Johan's mom and some church guy were in the driver's and passenger's seat.

"Great to see you again, (Y/n)! Thank you for coming along," Johan's mom said. "Mhmm! I wouldn't want to miss hanging out with you all again," (Y/n) grinned.

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