Mother In Law P2

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A/n - just wanted to say I do not endorse sleeping in the bed with your baby unless safety measures are in place. Please know this is fiction. Also this is not a reflection of Nicole Chalamet whatsoever

Info - Jocasta type MIL, bad MIL, toxic family, manipulation, stealing. Bad mouthing someone, argument, refusal to apologize, calling someone a whore, suggesting cheating, possessive MIL, losing contact with mother, crying, sleeping with baby in the bed.

Timothée had kept his promise. His mother had not been apart of our pregnancy, or the baby's life. Little Sunny was a happy healthy baby, who favored my looks. I knew that would've pissed off his mother, but Timothée didn't mind, in fact he liked it. He called her mini me.

One day, while he was at work, I heard a knock. I was shocked to see Timothée's mother. It must've been the softness and joy of being a new mom that made me let her in.

"Timothée hasn't answered any of my calls," were her first words, no greeting, no acknowledgement of the baby in my arms or asking how we were.

"Timothée is at work right now, but you can come in."

I continued carng for Sunny as his mom stalked around the house. I didn't know what she was on the prowl for but the house had been totally baby proofed, so there wasn't much to be interested in.

Finally she came to me with a wide smirk. I had no idea what she had up her sleeve. She was dangling some of my jewelry in front of me.

"What are you doing?" I asked, noticing she had some of my favorite pieces.

"If you're not after his money, you won't mind me taking these hmmm?" She simpered and marched out before I could say another word. I was surprised. I had not expected that at all.

I felt sad about it the rest of the day, until Timmy came home and I told him about it. His reaction was odd.

"Why Don't you wear them anymore?" He asked.

"That's your take away," I laughed, handing him Sunny when he made the 'come here' hand gesture.

"Not my full take away, but a concern," he said.

"Baby, think about it. What is Sunny doing right at this moment?"

Her little hand was playing with Timothée's collar and pulling.

"Ohhh, I'm an idiot," he chuckled.

"Trust me, I can't wait for her to be old enough that I can wear it again. Your mom took a lot of pieces that meant a lot to me. She even took the first one you ever gave me."

"That's it!" He said. "We're getting it back. She's acting ridiculous."

We piled in the car and I knew Sunny's safety was the only thing stopping him from cursing and driving erratically. Finally, we were at her house.

"You're coming with me, she needs to apologize to your face," he said as he got Sunny. We rang the doorbell and Timothée waited with an angry aura around him.

"Timmy!" His mother squealed and tried to hug him. He backed away.

"Mother, I would like to return the jewelry you stole from y/n, she wants it all back," he snapped.

"Because she's a golddigging whore!"

"Shut up, never call her that again. She has sentimental value in the pieces. She was kind enough to let you in and you stole from her," he snarled. She looked mad, but went and got the jewelry, she shoved it against my chest.

"There's your precious gems oh high lady," she mocked.

"Mom, what is this about. Is it money, I'll give you money."

"I just want my little boy back, I just want you back in the family," she complained. "She stole you!"

"She didn't steal me. We chose one another. We are a family now. For gods sake, I'm holding your grandchild, and you haven't asked me a single thing about her."

"She probably cheated to get pregnant, that baby is tanner than you," she snapped.

"We were trying," he said in exasperation.

"Say your sorry to y/n," he ordered.

"I won't! She's a thief and I don't want to speak to her," she said like a petulant child.

"Then we are leaving. Don't bother us again. I WILL get the law involved if I need to. I'm protecting my family," he said and we turned to leave.

"I'm your family Timothée! Who gave you life? Who clothed and fed and bathed you?" He didn't answer and carefully put Sunny in her car seat. He was quiet the whole way home, jaw clenching.

It was only when I was getting Sunny ready for bed that the damn broke. I heard a sob from the bed. I turned to see him weeping into his hands.

"Timmy!" I said, going over immediately.

"It's not supposed to be this way. She's supposed to love you and babysit Sunny. She's supposed to give me tips and invite us for Sunday dinner. Why, why couldn't she just be normal. I didn't want to lose my mom."

"Oh angel, I'm so sorry. I know you must feel awful right now. I can't replace her, but I want to make you feel good. What would help?"

"C-can we all sleep together? You me and Sunny, I know it's a little dangerous but, please?"

"I'm a light sleeper, it'll be fine," I reassured him. I carried the already sleeping Sunny to the bed. I got in and laid her between us. We maneuvered so he was holding us both. He kissed me deeply, his face still a bit wet.

"You two are my family. I'm so happy about that," he said softly.

"Me too," I agreed.

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