New Years (The end)

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Info - new years kiss, mention of making love, being lonely, surprise

I had so enjoyed New Years last year. The snuggling, the passionate love we'd made after where we promised ourselves to one another over and over again. This year it was not to be. My boy had taken some time off yes, but he was back at it again.

"I miss you" - Timmy💖

"I miss you more" - y/n

"Mmm not possible, I'm sorry I can't be your new years kiss again, but can we face time around 12 so I can blow you one?" - Timmy 💖

"Isn't that like insanely late where you are?" - y/n

"😡 let me be your virtual new years kiss Mon amour" - Timmy💖

"Alright you sap💖💖💖💖" - y/n

"So you'll be free?" - Timmy💖

"Yes I'll be free you dork" - y/n

"Just checking :p" - Timmy💖

It was one minute to midnight and I was panicking. I had the ball drop on the tv and I'd quadruple messaged Timmy, and nothing. I bit my lip nervously. Had something happened to him?

Just then there was a knock on my door. I was so worried I didn't even consider it suspicious.

"Timmy!" I shrieked.

"I couldn't bear thinking of you in the house alone with no one to kiss, so a couple weeks ago I started planning this surprise. It's why I asked if you were free, I wanted to make sure you'd be home."

"You're the best boyfriend in the world," I sobbed, clinging to him.

"Five, four," he began.

"Three, two," I counted with the tv.

Our lips met and I thought it was the sweetest kiss he'd ever given me. My heart was so full as I clutched his shirt as though he'd disappear and I'd be left alone again.

"Happy new year Mon amour, I hope I spend every year for the rest of my life with you," he smiled.

"Me too," I said.

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