First Kiss P1

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Info - innocent reader, inexperienced reader, never been kissed, teaching kissing, allusions to smut, new relationship, costars

"I'm so nervous," she said, cuddling into me as though I could protect her from the world somehow. We were in a new relationship but I was already obsessed. We'd started up because we'd fell for one another on set of our movie together. She was innocent and shy and I was smitten. I knew she was nervous for the kissing scene today, so I'd called her into my dressing room and had her sit on my lap. I knew she was seriously nervous because she hadn't looked awkward or blushed, she'd just done it.

"Why are you so nervous baby?" I asked. I was secretly excited for this excuse! After every date she seemed so extremely nervous that I felt I'd make her more so by kissing her. We hadn't kissed. I wanted to, badly, but I made up for the lack of lips in my life with other touches and affection.

"I've never kissed anyone," she whispered in my ear.

"Wait, never, ever?" I asked in shock. She shook her head, looking like she might cry.

"So that's why you haven't kissed me," I said.

"I don't know how. I feel so embarrassed. I wanted it to be special so bad that I kept putting it off until I was scared. I'm an idiot," she said sniffing.

"No, no, not an idiot, a romantic, and look, you got your wish. It will be special. I'm going to show you how," I said.

"Really?" She asked in excitement.

"Yes, so to start just place your lips on mine," I told her. She did as I said.

"Your lips feel really nice," she said sheepishly.

"Thanks, so do yours. Now, this next time tilt your head to the side a bit, and slot your lips with mine, it'll be a stack your upper lip, my upper lip, your lower lip, my lower lip. Then from there just try your best. I want to see what I'm working with, some people are a natural."

She did what I told her. She moaned a little and then she began to kiss me. I was shocked at her natural ability. She was kissing me hungrily, like she'd been starving all this time and I gave her food. She got more confident. She straddled my waist, and placed her hands on either side of my face adoringly. I let my hands rest on her waist. Then she tried something delectable. She gently bit my bottom lip softly. I moaned into the kiss.

"You're a really fast learner," I panted when we separated.

"I was good?" She asked excitedly.

"I've never been kissed that well in my life," I chuckled.

"Oh yay, and um, Timmy, after our date tonight, could you teach me some more things? I'm inexperienced in well, a lot of areas." She said.

"I'm happy to help," I said excitedly. 

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