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But no worries, as long as my brother is still alive then he will be able to get your precious beauty and you will finally be mine". Laughter was heard again and said..." Are'nt you going to listen to what I have to say about your precious soulmate?"

Lan Zhan was still in meditation and he was using the sacred technique he read in the the fifth book his mother left for him. By doing that, he increased power golden core and inhanced it. His power vibrated from within him as his core power strengthened supplying it's power slowly while strengthening his power core pathways as it went through his whole body. He awakened his physical self to share his core power with it. He thought that if he left his physical body unprotected, then he won't be able to save himself when he gets attacked. He didn't want to leave any openings on both his spiritual self and physical body powerless, so he focused on both of them at the same time.

The voice started again and it continued with the aim to confuse him more. " Do you want to know where his powers came?" Lan Zhan  completed locking his core power and sat there for a few seconds to adjust his spiritual self to the powers which had now filled his spiritual energy. He breathed in and out while asking
" What do you think you will get by telling me all that? " " will get to know that even if you try and no matter how much you try, you cannot stop his death. Hahaha...! that really gives me peace of mind and joy, brother won't like it but it's not like he can do anything about it either hahaha...!"

" Do you think you can succeed in all that you plan to do? You cannot separate me from him, I'd rather die that let you touch him" Lan Zhan said calmly and he waited for the perfect moment to find a way to get out of the hell he was in. His power settled and he slowly opened his eyes, looking down to the ground while adjusting his eyes to the brightness around him. The entity spoke again "'s not like you have a choice, that's where you are bound to end up together, your destiny is set that way. You will be a nobody that everyone will turn against when word goes out that you're actually inlove with a man.

You are a mortal and it is uncommon for a man to be with another man, to us it is not impossible at all because we can change from one gender to the other as simple as that. I will get my physics body once my brother returns with my powers and you and I can live together in the mortal realm.". " please let me know when you're finished dreaming , I'd like to get home" the entity became angry by the calmness Lan Zhan retained and also because he wasn't interested in listening to what she had to say. " Lan Zhan!!!...what do you thin–.." "wait...nobody calls me by that name, only the one who holds my heart does, so please ask again, but this time do not say my name, you're not even close to being worthy to share the same space with me. "

The entity tried tried to morph it's physical form out if anger in oder to attack Lan Zhan.
" What do you think you are, I will show you what I can do to you, you think you're powerful? Then let's see about that"  Lan Zhan remained silent for a few seconds and the entity continued to morph until, he fully opened his eyes and looked forward to see if he was still where he was. He chose not to attack it while it's still morphing, he knew it takes a lot of power for an entity to morph into shape and that's what he really wanted.
Lan Zhan smirked again, but this time it was too creepy. For a person who doesn't smile to the one who smirks like he's possessed by a demon. He saw it fully come into shape.

He closed his eyes again for a few second or two before opening them again. The entity was now coming closer towards him when he opened his eyes and they came face to face with one being scared of the other. The entity was nothing like human or anything Lan Zhan had ever seen before, it had claw like nails on long fingers, silver skin which was smooth but looked hard to the touch. It's legs were long with feet alomost like hooves, the face had short sharp teeth that had turned black, it maybe that it had consumed the essences of the evil energies to regain energy to summon him.

She had long hair thin which extended to her knees and it looked like the silver skin was it cover skin, like her clothes. He looked at her from her legs to her face and when their eyes met, the creature's eyes were big and dark. The irises were green and slit like that of a cat. It's overall body was like something that was created by mistake. It seemed like Lan Zhan had held her in place with just his eyes because it couldn't move, it tried to extend its claws but it's hand got stuck before it reached Lan Zhan's face. He closed his eyes and when he opened them again the creature's eyes bulged out about to pop. His eyes lit bright blue with his golden core power that also was visible in the veins of his spiritual body.

" You made a mistake, I have felt your presence around me for a long time. I was unable to share my worries and happiness with my brother from the day my mother died because of you. I have been patiently waiting for this moment for you to reveal yourself. But I was patient...why were you in a hurry? You don't have the power to summon me here but I came willingly and let you think you succeeded in calling my spirit here. You were waiting for the moment in my life where I would be confused and in pain and weak so you could show yourself. You know nothing about me, if you did then you would know what would really get me in that state where I would be like that.

You were easy to trick, the time has come for me and my soulmate to eliminate such things as you and I didn't want any hindrance, so I made myself look weak by what I heard when I went to my dormitory. What that boy said cannot hurt me, but I got me angry, I purposefully decreased my physical power and summoned you here. Look at this space we are in, it's white...didn't that give you a ckue? You are in my space that I have created only for you, now that you understand what my plan was. When we set out, the first thing I will do is to destroy your brother.

I will find him and I will do to him worse that he had ever done to my mother, your evil spiritual essenses will be left to nothing, unable to for again. Now look into my eyes and see me for who I am." Lan Zhan spread out his arms and the blue power extended to what looked like arms, they surrounded the   creature's body and the creature shook in fear. It was trapped and unable to speak and had to listen to what Lan Zhan had planned for it in silence and without mobility. The power slowly touched the creature's body making a sizzling sound as it slowly burned from its outer skin to its internal skin.

It's hair burned blue and and shortened up to it's head, the blue core power now full strapped itself around it and slowly disintegrated. Lan Zhan wanted it to be a slowly process so that it feels the pain but unable to move or scream while he showed it half of his powers that no mortal or spirit had ever seen. After a few seconds the creature tried to speak, breaking it's tendons and it forced it's mouth open so that it could leave a word before it's completely destroyed.

LAN ZHAN AND WEI YING'S ETERNAL DESTINY BOOK 3Where stories live. Discover now