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Elder Y:" So what is your true mission here and why do you have to be in a relationship with Wei Ying in order to achieve it...? Why didn't the Gods just send the two of you here but only as friends..?"

" is not about man or woman, it's about all of us. Mortals started this division long ago because they saw that opposite genders does multiplies them, but in was never meant for that. Love has never changed its meaning but I was categorised because you thought it works for you that way. Generations ago there was this kind if love like mine and Wei Ying's, but the wars that have broke out at those times that were over petty things made friends kill each other, siblings kill each other and even parents to kill each other all because of your diluted love. Wei Ying and I are normal, just as the Gods had created mankind many billions or years ago. Wei Ying and I are chosen to show you that this kind of love does exist so that the killing could stop, and love reign in this mortal realm."

Lan Zhan was explaining as patient as he could and he didn't seem to want to stop teaching everyone in the hall. person was bitter, he wanted nothing but to destroy what he cannot have and that was Jiang Cheng. He wanted revenge from Lan Zhan for hurting his mother that he saw that he was dying and he wanted to see Lan Zhan's blood spill before anything else. He didn't care about the love that he was talking about, all he wanted was to avenge his almost dying mother.

"Jiang Wanyin...I warn you...what you are about to do will not end well. Please stop it and accept the quensequesces your mother had to face for hurting my Wei Ying and many other people. "

"How dare you say that...? Your Wei Ying..? Huh...(scoff) how pathetic, did your Gods teach you to love only Wei Ying and that no one is important other than him...?"

"One should have a faithful partner and that is the way to enjoy the sweetness of love. Wei Ying and I are that kind of love that no one could taint...not even you. The Gods taught me to be faithfull and love only Wei Ying and nine else. answer your Wei Ying is important to me. And I warn you again...stop what you're about to do"

"Lan Wangji...!!! I'm not afraid of you, my mother is dying and all you care about is this servant Wei Ying...?"

"Your mother is not dying, she is just weak because she doesn't have her powers. And yes...I care about that servant, because he's the servant of the Gods, just like me and he is mine.!"

Jiang Cheng felt his heart ache Ashe heard Lan Zhan talk about Wei Ying like that, he wanted Wei Ying and to avenge his mother and to do that he had to go through Lan Zhan. Ofciurse he saw a little of what Lan Zhan could do, but he was too arrogant and proud to admit that there were two people who were more powerful than him, infact...more powerful than any other living human. He walked towards Lan Zhan and stood right at his face and every word he spilled out was spitting on Lan Zhan's face, literally. Wen Rouhan sensed the resentment Jiang Cheng had and he felt strange. He knew he had to warn them if he wanted Lan Zhan to have mercy on him and kill him leaving his whole body intact to be buried next to his grandma.

"Jiang Fengmian... please...warn you son not to be that much resentful bacause I cannot control the lust of the soul and the golden core. He needs ...he needs to s.. stop.!!"

Wen Rouhan felt himself become strange and he knew the resentful energy was channeling on the resentment around it. It was difficult to keep control of himself, it was like a dog sniffing goodies that had been hidden somewhere and it that happens...he will not change the outcome of what would happen. He stood up from where he was kneeling and his breath changed into growls and he said...

"Anger doesn't bring peace to ones mind, if you continue then I will not be blamed for what wouod happen ...please...stop. your mother will not die...please don't start a war you can't finish."

LAN ZHAN AND WEI YING'S ETERNAL DESTINY BOOK 3Where stories live. Discover now