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After talking with Lan Xichen Wei Ying felt uneasy, he didn't want to tell Lan Zhan the reason for his behaviour lately afraid that Lan Zhan would be dissapointed. It seemed to him that nothing he does is right and that he always gives Lan Zhan a hard time especially in defending him from his uncle. He was caught by Lan Qiren himself a few weeks back when he came into Cloud Rescessess with two jars of wine, that became a huge issue in which Lan Zhan had to intervene. Lan Zhan told his uncle to let Wei Ying live the life that he always lived and that he should punish him since he was the one keeping Wei Ying from going back to Lotus Cove. Lan Qiren got furious and even threatened to  call clan leader Jiang to come take Wei Ying away.

Lan Zhan had told his uncle that he will personally tell him why Wei Ying wasn't coming back to Lotus Cove and those words hurt Lan Qiren the most. His nephew just told him to let someone who is undisciplined live with them in the most sacred place of all, his own home and not tell him why, but he would rather tell someone else, an outsider his reasons why. He felt hurt and Lan Zhan felt that he was being unfair then he told his uncle to set up a date and call clan leader Jiang to come to Cloud Rescessess so he could tell both of them the reason. Wei Ying stopped sneaking in his wine since he didn't want to get Lan Zhan in trouble with his uncle. He always thought that Lan Qiren didn't care enough about Lan Zhan's feelings even when they themselves have not announced their relationship yet, but then who could blame them.

That evening, Lan Zhan finished his bath and he went to change his robes and wore clean ones, when he was done he went back to the fixing area and there he was...the one he was waiting for for three days. Wei Ying looked up from his sword which he was busy polishing and saw Lan Zhan standing not so far from him. He smiled and greeted him and immediately stood up and said he was going to take a bath and he will be back for dinner. Wei Ying went to the washroom and Lan Zhan preoared their meals. Wei Ying took a lot more time than he usually did but Lan Zhan was patient enough, he was going to get to the bottom of Wei Ying's behaviour towards him that night and there was nothing that would stop that. He covered the food again to avoid it from getting cold till Wei Ying finished taking a bath.

He stood up and went to his bedroom and took out two jars of emperor's smile and went to place them under the table. That was his way of holding up Wei Ying to nit go to sleep early since he knew he had not been bringing wine inside Gusu Lan Clan since his uncle saw him sneaking two jars in. He sat down again and placed the jars under the dining table and sat down. Just as he was about to pour himself some tea, he felt a tingling sensation at the back of his head and he closed his eyes. He knew what it was because it had been happening since the three months ago in the cave. He sat in a meditative posture and cleared his mind of all the things he was thinking before taking a deep breath

About twenty minutes later, Wei Ying came back from his taking a bath in which he took almost an hour until he though that there was no use hiding in the washroom since Lan Zhan would wait without any care of his sleeping time and wait for him so that they would eat together. He smiled when he went out and saw Lan Zhan with his eyes closed and looking all handsome and irresistible and he swallowed hard when he got near him and sat down. He looked at him so intently  and he traced his jaw line with his eyes, his collar bone up to his chest that was not heaving at that moment and also his hair which was long and dark especially since he hadn't tied the hairpin.

He looked so breathtaking and he tried to divert his eyes from him but it didn't work. He looked again one last time before Lan Zhan opened his eyes since he had a hint why he didn't open his eyes when he felt he had sat infront of him. He knew it had something to do with him talking to the Gods and he used that chance to look at him quiet good. He didn't know how much he missed Lan Zhan until he was sitting right infront of him, he had missed him since the first day he decided to go night hunting. He was going to depart the following day but he still missed him even when he was right besides him. He was about to put his elbows on the table and take a good look of the love of his life when he felt strange and he was forced to closed his eyes.

He forced himself to calm down by taking deep breaths in and out until his core power ran in his body freely without him channeling it. He concerntrated on the images he saw in his vision and he saw himself in a strange place which looked too majestic. He suddenly heard a voice speak to him, the voice was too great than Lan Zhan's and too dominant that he had to listen. The Gods were speaking to him, thanking him for everything he had done with eliminating the remaining evil spirits which caused great harm and fear to the mortals. They also told him not to worry about going to night hunts anymore and that he should give the younger desciples a chance to practice what he had taught the so that they would know what to do when he and Lan Zhan are out of town. But what he heard loud and clear was when they said it was time to show the mortal realm about the possibility in the kind of love they had to reduce wars and prevent the population from increasing since it was getting unsustainable.

When Lan Zhan opened his eyes he smiled at the sight before him. Wei Ying had his eyes closed and it seemed to him like he was also communicating with the Gods and he couldn't be happy. He felt that already Wei Ying would find a purpose in the things he had done to protect the innocent from the evil spirits. He knew he felt like he was doing it just to avoid him, but he didn't know the peace and joy he had brought to many people while avoiding him. He was thankful to have a partner like him and he wouldn't trade it with anything, not even his life. He smiled thinking about the shameless Wei Ying before he was taken over by the one who was too cunning to even try to lie to him.

He was lost in his thought looking at the beautiful man infront of him, tracing his lips with his eyes, his mole under his lower lip and the pointy nose. He looked so gorgeous to Lan Zhan's eyes and he felt something rise in his stomach until he felt his member stretch itself like it was in a long vacation, which it was all thanks to Wei Ying. He ignored his feelings and focused his eyes on the floor. He trying to reduce his heart rate which was about to stop only by looking at his soulmate. When he lifted his head from the floor he saw Wei Ying staring at him, his head closer to his and his lips about to brush his and his breath hitched for a second. They looked into each other's eyes when Wei Ying blinked a few times before retreating his head from Lan Zhan's face. He looked to the ground feeling embarrassed and Lan Zhan smiled thinking how cute Wei Ying was.

Hi guys...👋 Hope you're doing  great cause I am😊😊 anyway...I just wanted to tel you guys that I have started drafting another book Wangxian book which will be about Wang Yibo and Xiao Zhan and not Lan Zhan and Wei Ying.

I hope you keep in supporting me guys and I will publish it later during this week because I don't want to leave this book behind. So if I publish then it means I will have to update both books regularly. So... we'll see. I will let you know...

Again thank you guys for sticking with me till book3 of my journey and it has been a blessing to have you walk with me throughout the beginning of book1 journey till book3...I cannot tell you how grateful I am...really. 🥹🥹

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LAN ZHAN AND WEI YING'S ETERNAL DESTINY BOOK 3Where stories live. Discover now