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He came back and cleaned the finding table and placed the ingredients to the side and placed the washed dishes on the other table in the dining area. When he was done, he stood infront of the two doors, one to his bedroom and the other to Lan Zhan's room. He knew he would feel bad if he was to sleep without talking to Lan Zhan, he couldn't decide where to go, he knew Lan Zhan must be tired to do intimate activities and that he needed rest so he shouldn't bother him. He finally made the choice and opened a door and closed it again after stepping inside.

Lan Zhan finished taking a bath and changed his clothes, it had been a long day for him and he felt his eyes get heavy by the second. He went to the dining area to check on Wei Ying and when he was not surprised when he couldn't find him there. He thought that maybe he had already gone to bed , so he himself went to bed. He didn't want to bother Wei Ying because he looked tired from the second they stepped into the Jingshi. He opened the door to his bedroom and closed it again and we t straight to bed. He was facing upwards and his hands placed on his stomach when he felt another touch on his connected hands, he turned around to face Wei Ying and Wei Ying stopped him.

"Lan must be tired, sleep and we'll talk in the morning ok. Good night...I..I love you "

Wei Ying kissed Lan Zhan's soft lips and placed his head on his chest an closed his eyes to sleep, with a big smile on his face. He felt loved and wanted,and right at that moment he realised how sleeping together can make one's life joyful. It was a simple act, but it carried a lot of meaning , he felt lucky and he promised himself that he was going to be the best soulmate he had never had been. He felt like he always finds ways to let Lan Zhan down, he wanted to stop that and do what will make them both happy and even if it makes only Lan Zhan happy it didn't matter because he had done so much for him. He even ate what he wasn't used to just so he could please him.

Morning came and Lan Zhan opened his eyes, he looked on his chest and saw Wei Ying soundly sleeping and he could hear his soft snores, he tucked the long hair that had fallen a little in is face and placed it behind his ear. He watched as he pouted his mouth which made him look too cute for Lan Zhan to handle when he perked those juicy lips. Wei Ying stirred a little, making his robes to open. His neck and a little part of his chest was exposed to Lan Zhan as he saw his old the work of hickeys he had done early mornings of the day before. They were already healing and starting to fade, he trailed to his exposed chest and his smile vanished. His heartbeat increased which became loud enough for Wei Ying to hear it and wake up.

Wei Ying looked up to see Lan Zhan's face with a smile on his face, but what he saw was Lan Zhan with an expression he didn't understand at all. He knew how to read some of his expressions but the one he had was new to him. He pushed himself a little upwards to come face to face with Lan Zhan and he liked at him with worry visible in his eyes. He wanted to understand why he was like that and when he followed Lan Zhan's eyes he saw what had made him be like that. He felt do guilty and so useless. He blamed himself for allowing Jiang Cheng to do the things he did to him last night when Lan Zhan was supposed to be the only one who he was to do all that and more with.

"Lan Zhan..I'm sorry...I'm so sorry. I should've stopped Jiang Cheng from going that far, but I didn't , cause I still care about him. I didn't want to let him down or hurt him but I guess that's why he did what he did. He knows I won't do anything to him."

Lan Zhan didn't answer, he kept looking at his chest and when his eyes averted as he was about to hold his hand and kiss it, he found another mark, but this time it was a mark from when Jiang Cheng had tied him with his Zidian. His sking had burned a little and red marks were then visible in both his arms. His expression became unreadable again and that's when he adjusted Wei Ying to lay on the bed and left the bed without even answering.

LAN ZHAN AND WEI YING'S ETERNAL DESTINY BOOK 3Where stories live. Discover now