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"Lan Zhan...what gave you the right to do that? What gave you the right to break our bond without even talking to me about it? Are you now tired of me?  Huh..."

Wei Ying was sitting right next to Lan Zhan on a chair, all washed up and dressed, he liked like he had been awake for quite some time before Lan Zhan woke up which was almost lunch time already. Wei Ying was just sitting there, his legs crossed and his hands folded, he looked to be very calm, so calm that it scared Lan Zhan when added with the question he had asked him. Lan Zhan's mind was all over the place, trying to figure out why he behaved that way, why he looked that calm and he couldn't still understand when Wei Ying snapped him out of his pit of thoughts.

"Oh! Lan Wangji...did you think I would not find out? Did you think I was that stupid to not understand what is it that you were doing?"

Lan Zhan kept silent looking at Wei Ying, he was scared if loosing Wei Ying again. He knew because Wei Ying had never, ever in his life called him Lan Wangji. He knew because Wei Ying's temperament was so confusing that even he as a powerful being could not see through him, he couldn't see what he was thinking and what he was feeling at that time. He lowered his head and tried to come up with something that he would say to see if Wei Ying was still himself. He had to try, but at the same time...he knew it would provoke Wei Ying even more, but what else was he to do to find out?

"Wei Ying...I did it to simply set you free, so you can be with whoever you want to be with"

"Set me free? Free from what? And be with whom?"

"From me..."

"What a rediculous you said 'to be with whom I want...who are you referring to...? Jiang Cheng right..?".

"If he is who you want then yes"

"You know what Lan Zhan...? I'm giving you a chance to think about it again, just go take a bath, and when you come back you better have different answers than the ones you gave me..."

"My answers will remain as they are even after thinking about them, there no difference between now and then...I will still give you these answers."

Lan Zhan said that and uncovered the quilt revealing his manliness, which was very pleasing to eyes by the way...but Wei Ying wasn't even phased. Lan Zhan saw that and he somehow felt dissapointed, he expected Wei Ying to atleast gulp down...nothing after seeing him completely naked like that, but Wei Ying looked as if he wasn't even turned on by him. He went to open the door and went to take a bath. He went in and took a bath still thinking about what he had done wrong...what was the reason for Wei Ying's calmness, but thinking about what he had done really pained him so much that his questioning thought dissapeared in the water bubbles in the bath. Almost an hour later, Lan Zhan and out to the dining area where Wei Ying was having his wine, he was all dressed up and all. He looked at Wei Ying again wondering when he got the chance to buy wine.

"Wei Ying...has your lunch arrived yet..?"

" I'm more interested in your explanation right now, food is the least of my concern. So...Lan Wangji...are you really to answer me?.."

" What do you mean by that..? You need to eat something then we will talk afterwards"

"Do I look like a child to you..? Do I look like I need you to take my hand and feed me?...cause I don't.."

Lan Zhan sat down beside Lan Zhan and poured tea for himself, sipped on it while Wei Ying's whole concerntration was on him and his actions. He looked at his face and he felt like he was about to suffocate. He didn't know at that point if he loved Lan Zhan or just tolerated him. He felt betrayed and abondoned, he felt like the only person he cared most about in his whole life sold him for just comfortability. He didn't understand why Lan Zhan would hurt him like that, he had many thoughts running wild in his mind. But there was one thought that kept creeping in and disturbing his other thoughts, and that was that Lan Zhan did not love him anymore, so there was no need to play nice with him, no need to respect him as his soulmate. He really hated Lan Zhan and he couldn't
cast that hate away no matter how he tried.

LAN ZHAN AND WEI YING'S ETERNAL DESTINY BOOK 3Where stories live. Discover now