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" If you lay even one finger on his skin then your puppets will have to hold your funeral right here. Don't you dare try my patience this time, it won't be nice"

A voice suddenly came from the door and both creature's widened their eyes in shock while pointing towards the intruder. The female creature shrieked suddenly and the sound was too loud that anyone close to her would feel her resentment. The creature's were shocked with what they were looking at. The female then launched forward and tried to attack, but the intruder was faster, with one swift move after stomping one foot on the ground he flew to the other side making the female creature to crash head first on the wall.

Lan Zhan was frozen in shock of what had happened to his Wei Ying, in pain thinking that he was then all alone. Tears threatened his stoic face and his face paled from trying to hold it in. But as he was in the midst of thinking about all that had happened and what will happen...he suddenly snapped out of it when he thought of something. He took a deep breath and  closed his eyes, trying to recall all that had happened. He remembered that Wei Ying was not that weak to be killed so easily, he was strong and very stubborn, so dying like that was not something he would allow, ever.

He suddenly heard a thump follows by a crack sound and he was quickly snapped out of his thoughts. He looked over to the direction of the sound when he saw Wei Ying fighting with the creatures. He blinked a few times to adjust his vision, trying to see if his eyes were deceiving him, to his excitement...his eyes were working perfectly fine. He was thankful he was not dead because if it really was true that he was dead then he wouldn't even mind to follow his wherever he may be in the spiritual realm.

He had thought about it for a long time and he had concluded that if Wei Ying was to die, then he would follow him. He saw the creature hissing in pain from Wei Ying's defensive moves. Black substances started to appear on the creature's forehead, causing it to be disoriented for a few seconds before the crack on her forehead closed again. It seemed to him like there was no easy way to kill the creatures infront of him and help was needed fast since the male had also got involved seeing his little sister getting hurt. He lavitated a few metres above the ground and he looked behind the creature, finding someone .

" Lan Zhan...are you ready?"

"Wei Ying...!!!"

"Lan Zhan...why are you looking at me like that?"

Wei Ying was busy talking to Lan Zhan telepathically and he looked as if he has firgot8where he was when the make creature brought his hands to his front the to his sides and all of a sudden black smoke came out from the ground and launched at Wei Ying. Lan Zhan saw this while Wei Ying was distracted and with his quickly pointed his fingers towards the black smoke and which illuminated a blue light at impact and mixed with the black smoke. Wei Ying qui kly shifted his gaze towards the creature and he saw the what had happened. He looked at Lan Zhan again and he smiled at him before quickly Lan ding in the ground to disperse the black smoke leaving the blue light still glowing around him.

The female creature launched forward to attack Wei Ying again when it was flown back by the  blue light which Wei Ying was standing in. Both creatures were shocked at that and liked at each other before the female asked.

"Impossible... how can it not harm you? 你是谁? Nǐ shì shéi? (Who are you?)  How can you still stand in it? "

"Lan Zhan...I have your clothes, wear them please I can't concentrate with you looking like that"

Wei Ying said to Lan Zhan telepathically while drooling over his naked body. He held out his hand and the red light flew towards Lan Zhan. His robes appeared and adorned themselves on Lan Zhan's body making the creatures give out a raspy gasp while looking at Lan Zhan. After his robes covered his body, it illuminated blue making him look angelic as his whole body light up like he an angel. Wei Ying smiled and Lan Zhan got down from the  stone bed and walked passed the still stunned creature's towards Wei Ying and stood besides him. They liked at each other and smiled before looking back at the creatures.

" can you still stand in that array without it breaking your meridians? What are you? What did you do to my powers? Give them back...NOW! And you...his did you break out of my shackles?"

"Pff..! You calm those shackles? It was just a mere needle, his can you call it shackles? Anyway who I am is what you won't like to hear, so let's just leave it. And as for your powers....well...let's just say I upgraded them to my personality. You're not human or anything so you won't understand. Anyway...can we get this over with? I still have an explaining to do when we get back home."

Wei Ying said with a smirk on his face, he didn't see the need to hide it anymore. He had been keeping that secret for a long time and it was time for it to be out in the open for Lan Zhan to know. This made the female creature to laugh hysterically while patting her brother's shoulder while the brother was still fuming and surrounded with black smoke. He was listening and looking at the two trying to find the opportunity to attack, he knew a straight attack would kill them since he had already sized up Lan Zhan's powers after he wearing his robes. He knew Lan Zhan was powerful enough to destroy them alone with just a snap of his fingers. Unknown to him that that was exactly what Lan Zhan was trying to do.

The female creature looked at Lan Zhan and smirked, showing it sharp razor teeth which looked like it hadn't even been brushed since the time if it's existence. She wanted to make Lan Zhan weak so that he could not protect Wei Ying so she and her brother would get her powers back from Wei Ying.

"Lan see? I have told you not long ago that his powers are mine. You see...he didn't deny it, so why do you say I'm evil when the one next to you is as evil as me?  Anyway...since we are talking like this, I might as tell you everything. Well I think it's time you knew something about your precious over there"

She moved back and sat on the stone bed which Lan Zhan was lying on, her brother went to stand next to her and left the couple standing infront of them. The brother had slowly started to show that he was getting tired and his powers wearing out. This was because he also didn't have his powers core, he had been feeding on the evil creatures to gain their powers just like his sister. The sister...with no powers at all couldn't even fight, unless if she was to fight with her hands, physically throwing fists and kicks was all she could do. But since she had a warrior brother, she knew she was safe even though his powers were not up to their high level. Lan Zhan looked at Wei Ying in the eyes and Wei Ying looked back at him, scared that when Lan Zhan heard his secret he wouldn't want to have him beside him. He was scared and Lan Zhan saw that but showed no reaction at all.

Hi guys 👋☺️ hope you're doing great. I'm really sorry for my recent chapters which I myself am not satisfied with, the problem is that I really don't know how to write fighting scenes.

I have been trying to find a way to write th and that made the loose my inspiration to continue writing this book🥺. I don't want to stop writing so I will only fast forward the fighting scenes so we can get to the sweet stuff cause they are the reason why I wanted to write this book.

So lease bear with me guys, it's my first time writing these books and  I'm not gonna promise to learn to write it because just like my name, I'm all about love ❤️. Hope you understand.

Thanx guys for reading, voting and commenting, your support really gives me that inspiration to write and update more chapters for you guys. So ...

Stay safe 🤗
Stay blessed 💞
And remember..
I love you a galaxy ❤️❤️

LAN ZHAN AND WEI YING'S ETERNAL DESTINY BOOK 3Where stories live. Discover now