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" Wei Ying...what do you mean? What truth are you talking about? "

"我..我...我们离开这里的时候我会告诉你的 "
" Wô..wô...Wǒmen líkāi zhèlǐ de shíhòu wǒ huì gàosù nǐ de." ("I'll tell you when we get out of here")

Just like that... Lan Zhan stopped asking, he knew Wei Ying had been acting strange lately and but he thought he would tell him if he had something important to share. Now that things had come to that, he didn't know why Wei Ying chose to keep something from him. So he just laid there and waited for Wei Ying to execute his plan which sounded pretty dangerous according to him. He heard that there were two entities which emmited a strong power, how powerful they really were...he didn't know. He thought of opening his core power but he knew the entities would sense it, why they didn't sense Wei Ying till then confused him.

Wei Ying began executing his plan, he wanted back up because he didn't know how powerful the two  figures infront of him were. So...with that thought, he drew incantations in the air using his powers and red symbols appeared infront of him and in an instant it disappeared again when and Wei Ying cleared his throat to catch the attention of the two entities just a few metres from him. He had successfully set his own plan B, he wasn't sure if he was going to defeat the creature's but he knew he had to try, for Lan Zhan, for their love. After hearing the noise the two entities turned around quickly and came face to face with an intruder who had a smirk on his face.

"Lan Zhan...on my open your powers and try to find a way to remove the needle. It must be in the back of your head just below the nape."

Wei Ying told Lan Zhan telepathically.

" Now who do we have here? Oh! Ge...your prey is here. Ha-ha-ha...well I guess our trap worked"

The female creature said and crossed her long arms around her chest. The older one which was male just gave a evil and scary grin which brought shiver to Wei Ying all of a sudden. He didn't know he had walked into a trap and he was sure things were going to be ugly from then. He kept his smirk just so that the creature's didn't see his scared he really was. The make creature extended one of his arm and the other behind him and Wei Ying felt uncomfortable, he felt something in his body stir up and he knew the creature was trying to rip out his power core core by force.

Lan Zhan felt Wei Ying's sudden unstable core and he knew he was in trouble. He was still opening his core power like he did in meditation but this time he hasn't meditating but simply lying there unable to move. He breathed in and out through his nose because his mouth also couldn't move, little by little his core power opened and he channeled it to release small amounts of powers to golden core knowing that if he rushed it then he was going to be found out. His golden core was then filled with power to which he transferred to spiritual energy first to make himself able to move. Once that was done he was then able to open his eyes and he finally saw where he was.

He looked to his side and saw the two entities, their backs were facing him and he tried to force movement on his limbs. It took him five minutes to be able to move his hand to the back if his head and tried to feel the needle above his nape. He was trying to find the needle with his hand and tried to find Wei Ying with his eyes. He was sure Wei Ying had said he was already inside the cave but he was confused why he didn't see him or hear him. He saw that the creature's were looking at something infront of them and he wondered if that was Wei Ying. He couldn't think straight anymore, he needed to move to help him, he knew the creature's were powerful and if they were to harm Wei Ying then he would break hell loose and take his time destroying the evil inside it.

He touched something at the back if his head and he knew it must be the needle and he pulled it out slowly. It was painful but there was no other way to remove it that the way it was stabbed in, he closed his eyes and pulled it. It was almost out when he heard Wei Ying's screams, he sounded very near him and he didn't know what was happening because he didn't see him. He shot his eyes open and stopped his movements of removing the needle and looked to the creatures and blood froze in his body. His Wei Ying was hovering in the air, lifted up by the male   creature as they laughed terrifyingly.

When the creature extended it's arm towards Wei Ying, it tried to rip his core power which made Wei Ying's spiritual energy unstable. He winced in pain as he felt it slowly detach from his soul vessel. The creature saw that it was not working like he wanted to and he started to strangle Wei Ying to make him weak enough to remove the core power.  He felt his feet slowly lift up from the ground and within seconds he was lavitating, he felt his muscles get stuff and felt like his neck was going to burst open. Blooded seeped out of his mouth as his veins and muscles popped and snapped as they were torn apart y the force which held his neck tight. His eyes were about to close when they caught Lan Zhan lying there behind the creatures.

He was unable to see him before because of the height and body size of the creatures, and now here was his Lan Zhan stating at him, eyes wide, hand on the back if his head while he shook his head to Wei Ying. He saw Lan tear up and that was the last thing he saw before his neck was snapped and his body fell lifeless on the ground. Lan Zhan's hand trembled and he totally removed the needle and hurting himself along the process bacause if the pain his heart felt. He cried and his voice wasn't coming out, he had just removed the needle and the effects were still there and were fully worn out after a few minutes. Lan Zhan tried to stand but he still couldn't. He was so weak be side of of his throbbing heart, his body felt numb feeling the absence of Wei Ying in the room. He cried so hard and so painfully that he passed out right on the stone he was lying on.

"Ge...why did you kill him? I thought you liked him"

"I do like him, but I saw and and felt that he was never going to be mine, he was inlove with this worm here and he didn't even leave room for a ything else. If I cannot have him then no one will." The make creature snorted, anger was emmitinv through his body like he was on fire, black smoke covered him and even the female creature became scared of here brother.

" promised to leave this one alone, you promised you would get my powers back and you would let me change to whatever I was and live anywhere with him" the female creature cried pleading for her brother to give him Lan Zhan.

"Are you stupid? Can't you feel it..? You told me to find the Lan clan young maiden to seduce him, she did it because she wanted him for herself. She was too willing that I didn't even use my powers on her, she had already been dreaming of it until I spoke to her about it. He also won't love you, he loves this my beauty and now that I've killed my beauty...he has to die too. We must do it fast, you know how father will get if we are not back in two weeks. We must gather as many puppets as possible for the war. Those in there are not enough. First...I'll finish this one off an–.."

" If you lay even one finger on his skin then your puppets will have to hold your funeral right here. Don't you dare try my patience this time, it won't be nice"

A voice suddenly came from the door and both creature's widened their eyes in shock while pointing towards the intruder. The female creature shrieked suddenly and the sound was to loud that anyone close to her would feel her resentment.

LAN ZHAN AND WEI YING'S ETERNAL DESTINY BOOK 3Where stories live. Discover now