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Lan Zhan stretched his arms and the brother growled feeling his weak golden core and core power beeing pulled out. They were completely crushed and from the inside and cracking sounds were heard on both the sister and brother's chest, followed by a growl and a squeak which were later muffled by blood coming out of their mouth. The brother looked at the sister....

"Xinxin...对不起 ..Duìbùqǐ..(I'm sorry).. gēge couldn't protect you..huhh!..duì..duìbùqî..duìb–."

His sentence was cut short by Lan Zhan who separated his hands making the brother's body tear in half, the blue core power carried him like that for the sister to see and said...

"Your brother had to die for your sins,don't you see how you treated him? How you used him till now? Let me tell you something I know you didn't realise....I know my soulmate, I know he has your powers, I found out the day you I trapped you in my space time. He got me out when I only set his love for me to open a portal for me to get back, he gave his all to bring me back when we were just starting to Now each other. I was made for him and he for me. So no matter what you say about him turning evil...well...I know I will be there to help him all the way like he did for me. It's not a favour...but love. Now listen...he will never be like you, selfish, manipulative, uncaring and certainly not as evil as you. You should think of all the hardships you put on your brother. He had possessed my mother all because you wanted him to find your so called 'lover' , he almost lost his life when I was born and his core powers were taken away from him because of you.

You wanted your powers and more, you again sent him to possess the mortals and created a war which you then threw away their souls just because they you said they were not good enough for you. The souls he had worked to gather for you so you would not perish like your father did, still you were ungrateful. I'm not saying it was right to kill innocent people for your own gain, I'm saying you should have thought deeply about how much he had gone through for you. He had done all the evil because of you, because he loved you and didn't want you to suffer, you came to attack me and left him with his core power very low that he couldn't do anything even if the corpse puppets were to attack him, he couldn't do anything.

Only because he transferred his his powers to you so you could come to me, how selfish. Is your love for me that much important than your brother's life? Your existence alone is forbidden and you will not be returning anywhere since you don't have a soul. The traces of your existence will be wiped out forever and not even your kind will remember your names. "

"Ho-.. how d-did you know about us? What do you know about my father? Wh-who are y-you really?"

"Don't you know who I am? Yet you say you love me, his did you even know about me to claim you love me? My resemblance might be a little familiar to the one you loved thousands of years ago, but I assure features resemble more to my parents. Your true lover, Houxuan died saving you, what made you think you will see him again? Didn't he die infront of you? Did you think your kind reincarnates? Because you don't, having a physical body doesn't mean you exist. You were purely made out of anger, greed, jealousy, and bad intentions that one of the Gods had towards his fellow brothers. You do not have a mother and your father did not didn't even know you existed untill his last days when he was captured and killed. So you see... he's not even your father, he's just the reason for your existence."

"Wh-..what? father created us out of love. My mother died after giving birth to me. Don't talk about things you know nothing about, I had a family and they loved us, me and my brother."

"I know everything about you, how your existence of your kind came to be they way it was. Who told you you had a mother? Your brother? Well .. technically...he's not even your real brother but he chose to be since you were all alone, he wanted to take care of you, and he did, he raise you with live because he sacrificed a lot for your happiness. He said that to make you less unhappy. Your realm has no name but because your kind lived there without harming any other realms the Gods chose to not destroy you, that was until you broke free and all the evil in your realm spread to other realms. You even had the nerve to enter the spiritual realm. Well... enough talking, your existence will perish and no evil will walk free again, we let you live in peace as long as you don't bother us, it has come to this. I guess the Gods were too kind to you"

With that ...Lan Zhan tore the brother apart and his remains were disintegrated into nothingness, not even ash when Wei Ying grabbed the female's head using his powers and closed his eyes making his power travel from his hands to the air and through her head, she screamed in agony as Wei Ying injected all the pain he extracted from the puppet corpse in the other cave room and gave it all to her. She growled until her growls were swallowed up by her tongue being torn apart. Her mouth tear up into two up to her skull, making all its contents gush out like a rotten animal intestines.

The smell was bad and was so suffocating to those with lower cultivation, that was due to all the evil spirits she had devoured throughout her life. Her body explode with into nothingness just like her brother, and all that remained was the her stench that would take a long time to evaporate. Lan Zhan looked at Wei Ying and he saw him spacing out, he thought for a second before he asked what the problem was and all Wei Ying said was...

"I just don't understand how you knew all those things, everything about me, her kind existence and what had happened between the Gods for things to be like this. I-..I didn't even know about me that's why I never said anything, I was afraid you would reject me, because I have evil powers. I-..I'm sorry Lan Zhan for not trusting you enough to tell you the truth. I won't do it again, I promise."

Wei Ying had lowered his head feeling ashamed to stand besides Lan Zhan, he felt as if Lan Zhan was like one of the Gods. His knowledge exceeded his by far, he wasn't jealous of that, but he was fearful for having done such things as lying to Lan. He felt bad and confused as to why Lan Zhan never said anything when he found out. He expected him to bombard him with endless questions but he had chosen to keep quite and gave him a chance to tell him. The thought of him saying all those things to Lan Zhan, the things he had done to him looked silly and he felt embarrassed to even look at him. A  higher being who looked human in flesh but not in every way. He promised himself to not do anything of that sort ever again, no more provoking, no more silliness and certainly...less intimacy.

LAN ZHAN AND WEI YING'S ETERNAL DESTINY BOOK 3Where stories live. Discover now