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"The two chosen an honour to have both you here, but sadly... I need one of you and not two. The great Lan Wangji'...I didn't think you would get tricked by me..."

The atmosphere in the hall became so suffocating, the people inside were very frightened by the man who had just walked in whose aura was reeking evil in every way. The maidens, the elders and even Jiang Cheng and his father were all on the edges if their life's seats. But there was one person amongst the crowd who either wasn't afraid of the person who came in ...or working together with him. Footsteps sounded so loud in the hall, they were advancing towards Lan Zhan and Wei Ying who still their eyes on each other despite the commotion. The man went and stood a few feet from them, right under the black smoke in the middle of the hall. Lan Zhan slowly turned around.

He kept his eyes lowered as if he was blind and couldn't see the exact direction where the visitor was. But in reality...he was reading the situation, but he wasn't only reading the situation...but the visitor himself. He took a look at Jiang Fengmian and he saw that he was afraid for his people, he had to since he was responsible for everyone in Lotus Cove as clan leader. Jiang Cheng was standing in the middle, his father on his right and his mother on his left,he was still counting his chances of survival. He was weighing whether he would be safe in his mother's side or his father's, but he couldn't decide so...he stood in between.

Lan Zhan scanned the room and it's occupants, still not even one look at the visitor. But he looked at madam Yu and he saw something which confirmed his suspicions. Someone who was as proud and arrogant as madam Yu, would not just sit idly and not say anything to someone who came into her home and made it his. She wasn't even looking at him, her eyes were still focused on Wei Ying. She had a proud look on her face, not necessarily a smile but something close to it. She was enjoying the show and she seemed to be relived that the man came at the time he came.

" Zhīzhū look so relieved to see your friend, why did you personally invite him here to do..? To kill your every single member of your clan end someone's life in specific. "

"You Lan peasant...who the hell do you think you are calling me by that name...huh..? You are still an infant to know what it means..!"

"You still haven't answered my question, do you realise the the great mistake you have done to team up with such a person...? Well...I guess you will find out. You conspired together to have Wei Ying's parents killed, you conspired to take away Wei Ying's powers and now you again conspired to turn Wei Ying into your blade puppet...well...I guess your sins are enough for me to deal with your ignorance. Clan leader I have your permission...?"

Right at that instant... Jiang Fengmian realised that he was not speaking with Lan Wangji, but the most powerful sent chosen one and he knew he had to tread carefully, especially when he gave his answer. He still didn't want to see his wife get killed but how was he going to defend her at that time when she had made it impossible for him to do so. He lowered his head while Lan Zhan was patiently waiting for his answer. Even so...Lan Zhan still saw the love a husband had for his wife even though she had done so many things wrong...the love he had for her never wavered. He was just dissapointed in her, nothing else.

"I see you still can't let her go, well...let's just make things easier for everyone in your clan. Zhīzhū you have done so many despicable things in your life, from the way you made your husband how you got your children. Even so...your husband forgave you for that even after you also tried countless times to hurt him...he still forgave you after he found out. Oh...! Did you think he didn't know...? Well...I guess he is a very patient man. He had waited for so long to see you change and start becoming his wife and a mother to your children. But you always strive for power, power to rule over everything and everyone that you didn't stop for a minute to see that you were raising your son to be just like you. So...I will punish you accordingly."

LAN ZHAN AND WEI YING'S ETERNAL DESTINY BOOK 3Where stories live. Discover now