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" need, uncle already knows without us showing or telling anything, I know uncle Jiang doesn't know much because Wei Ying never showed any signs of beeing different. I will let uncle decide on what to do, but one thing remains...nothing will change even after that. Wei Ying has suffered enough, I think it's enough for me to take him back to protect. Uncle ...uncle Jiang...I'm sorry if I sound disrespectful, and I also thank you uncle Jiang....for filling the gap and taking over where senior Wei left off. Even so...there are some things that I would like to talk to you about, but that will have to wait until I come to Yungmeng so I can discuss it with you."

"Wangji...what is it..? Did A-Xian tell you something that happened without my knowledge..?"

"Uncle Jiang...he hasn't, I found everything myself, he had forgotten many things while some were...twisted...if I may say. But have been kept in the dark about many things and I would like to get to the bottom things."

"Wangji...!! Who ware you to talk like that...? Huh...?  You didn't talk this much before, and now you have been talking non stop like you just got your voice back. How dare you talk to elders about these kinds of things... huh...what do you know about love that you've become so bold to talk back at me. I knew it...letting Wei Wuxian to live here was a mistake.!"

"Uncle...please calm down, Wangji does t mean it like that, what he says is that he and Wei-Gonzi are meant to live like that. This is the challenges that elder Baoshan Sanren talked about, please don't make it hard in him, he is not only a special child ...he's also an elder to all of us, and so is Wei-Gonzi.."

"Clan leader...what do you mean they are elders when all of us here are older than Wangji and A-Xian...I don't understand what all of you are tryi.g to say. A-Xian...what is going on...?"

"Uncle...I'm sorry, but what Zewu Jun said it true, I know all of you are angry right now and master Lan blames me for Lan Zhan's behaviour. But you know...I think he's right, since I came here Lan Zhan has changed. Not only to you but to everyone, I guess I have that effect in him where he forgets that uncles are his elders...I'm sorry about that. But you remember when I woke up after you took me to Lotus Cove...? I remember very well that I had a piece of cloth with me, but when I woke up it was gone. I had forgotten about it until Lan Zhan asked me. So you know anything about it?"

"Oh the piece of cloth..yes...the healer came in and said it was making you sick because it had bad energy in it. I was worried that time so we took it from you, the healer had taken the cloth from you and left with it and when I went back to get it back he said he destroyed it. But there was something strange, a few months ago, a maiden found that cloth in madam Yu's room while packing her robes in the closet after washing. I don't know what happened there because she brought to me and she was in fear, it was like she saw or heard something...I don't know...maybe I think too much. Anyway...I brought that piece of cloth here with me today , I was thinking of asking you what it was when I got it is..."

Jiang Fengmian took out a black and red piece of cloth out from his robes and handed it to Wei Ying. But Wei Ying didn't want to touch it, he was so shocked that it still existed when he thought it had dissapeared a long time ago. Tiny drops of sweat came out of his pores while some slid down the side of his face. He looked pale and everyone saw that he was scared, even Lan Zhan who took the cloth from Jiang Fengmian and held it in his hands and closed his eyes. He shot his eyes open and said...

"Wei Ying...there's a memory imbedded in this cloth, it's a message, your message. should listen to this."

Lan Zhan held Wei Ying's hand and placed the cloth in his palm when all of a sudden, Wei Ying's eyes lit red. His head jolted back and his breathing became unnoticeable and that was enough to scare the elders. Lan Xichen who knew everything wasn't surprised at all, I mean...he had seen the worst from the two, glowing eyes were nothing. The elders were taken aback and their hands raised while their fingers printed at Wei Ying in fright. Lan Zhan was supporting Wei Ying on his back while carefully looking for any signs of struggle when Lan Xichen went over to his uncle's to and poured tea for them to calm then down. They drank the tea still looking at Wei Ying until they finished the tea and Wei Ying finished listening to the message that was embedded in the cloth.

LAN ZHAN AND WEI YING'S ETERNAL DESTINY BOOK 3Where stories live. Discover now