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But Lan Zhan couldn't have that, he used his own silencing charm and a black slime oozed out of its mouth but it didn't touch the floor, because Lan Zhan didn't want any dirt in his space. It sizzled and dissapeared before touching the ground. The creature or entity was reduced to nothingness and the space became peacefull again. Lan Zhan summoned his powers and by then he had finally found a way out of his white void. He had created it without knowing if he would come back from it. With only the love of his soulmate to lead him out when time came.

He sat there and meditated again while the door was still opening, he wanted to place his powers back so that when he goes back, he doesn't look different. By different I mean Godly, if he returned with those powers still in his golden core then everyone would bow to him feeling the powers that he had, but not only that...the evil will get attracted to his powers and a lot of harm may come to those around him in the fight of obtaining them. He reduced his spiritual energy to its normal mortal level and it flowed back to his golden core, form the golden core to the power core that was hidden deep within his soul.

The thing was...mortals had only the golden core to supply their powers to their spiritual energy, the core power was Lan and Wei Ying's intimate power which was given by the Gods to use when necessary. He used it on the creature because it was necessary to do so, it was safe to use it in a void because it would set the balance of the realms off and the space of time might clash with the universal time. Chaos would ensue with the dimensional spaces colliding into each other making different worlds connect and a fight for dominance and power would end the whole universe. (No proof reading, just my own theory he-he)

The pathway opened slightly but not enough for Lan Zhan to get through. He stood up after his meditation and went to where he saw the opening. He refused to feel sad, that's because if the pathway opened then it would mean his soulmate was still his soulmate and no destiny had changed. But the door itself was the amount of love Wei Ying had for Lan Zhan, if the door slightly opened then it meant he did love him but not enough to start a relationship with him. But if it opened completely then Wei Ying trully cared and is willing to start a relationship with him. He had calculated everything when he thought of trapping the entity the time he got back from rescuing the green spirit.

But now here he was, trapped in his own world, literally. He hoped that Wei Ying would help him get back, his body was left in a meditative state in the mortal world and his spirit in a space between time, the mortal time and the universal time. He heard a melody and he realised it was his brother's Liebieng', he knew the melody very well and he knew his brother was there helping him. No one knew where Lan Zhan was, if he was to be found then they would think he was just meditating. But his soulmate would know where he was even though he won't be able to get to him, but atleast being there and caring and loving enough will get him back.

But his soulmate didn't have that knowledge since his powers were shut, they weren't taken but temporarily closed for only Lan Zhan to help him release them. He stood there, close his eyes and listened to the melody of Liebieng'to calm himself. The set time was almost passing for him to get out, he needed to get out before he gets trapped and never come back. His mortal body would remain the way it is and would never awaken until the Gods think otherwise. But to this task, he did it alone without the involvement of the Gods, he did it with the love he had for his soulmate and vice versa.

An hour later, he heard a voice, the voice was not of anything evil. No evil was to come into his void unless summoned, but he was surprised a voice came into his void and what surprised him more was that the voice came from the mortal world, very close to his physical body. It sounded like it was a whisper but it was clear enough for Lan Zhan to hear. He opened his eyes and listened carefully " if you go and leave me here alone, then how am I to survive? Come back and take me with you wherever you are" his breath hitched and his spiritual body froze I'm shock.

He didn't answer, he just listened. Right at the corner of his eye, he saw something moving. He went close to see what it was and he saw that it was a tiny red spark. The spark was bright but small, it hovered for a few minutes before it grew again. He watched it grrow more and more until it opened up, he was to step inside but he didn't understand where it would lead. He knew Wei Ying had the red power but it was closed, and the one that was left would not even penetrate the void he was in. He heard the voice again towards that opening " there is something you need to know, come to me and I will tell you. Come back to me"

It was not Wei Ying's voice as he had thought and hoped, but it didn't sound evil either. He decided to step through the red spark and upon the second leg to go through completely, he felt the air around him. The breeze was just right and the atmosphere was inviting. He could hear the Liebieng's melody clearly and he smelled a whiff of sandlewood and he knew he was home. What was left was to stabilise his spiritual body in his physical body and open his eyes. When he opened his eyes he saw that there were four people around him. He adjusted his sight and he clearly saw who they were. He was still wondering how he got back since no one could be able to match his powers except for Wei Ying. But Wei Ying couldn't have.

LAN ZHAN AND WEI YING'S ETERNAL DESTINY BOOK 3Where stories live. Discover now