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"I didn't know he was that cunning to even work his way into staying here so much so that he came and told me that if I didn't let him stay then Wangji would never wake up and I would be the one to blame because he was the only one who could help him up. I did let him stay hoping that Wangji would get better and I even went as far as letting him stay beside him beside him, sleep right next to him and to the extent of allowing him to give you a bath. Those two months were my worst nightmare and when Wangji finally woke up I wanted him gone but still you Xichen told me Wangji would be better if Wei Wuxian was by his side always. All those months I thought he was using the Lan clan way of teaching we taught them during their studies here to help Wangji during those times so I let my guard down.

But I still ordered the guards to continue to keeping an eye on him everytime even during night hunts...I had my desciples watching him closely. I don't know when they started to like him to the extent that they started questioning me why I wanted to have him watched like that that I strayer to see that he had already worked his way out being watched. At that time...I still didn't have any idea if the healer had removed his evil powers from him so I thought he did but I still didn't trust him. My worst nightmare happened some time later when he and Wangji' were having a misunderstanding and he barged out of Wangji's Jingshi' so I followed him. My worst nightmare came true when I followed him and saw he still had that evil inside of him. He was hiding it from you Wangji and hiding it from everyone here in the  Lan clan.

He went behind the mountain and across the river and I still followed from afar when  I finally saw my fear coming to life. I saw him u leash his powers  and the whole forest was blasted with evil that even the birds and the insects kept silent. He cleared everything in his path and...and...that's where I got hurt. That evil blast blew everything away on its path, even me who was a little further away from him. I got carried and thrown to the tree next to me and since then, my health has t been good. I think I might have got a little evil from him when I got worse that I kept coughing up blood that I went to seclusion to deal with the evil inside me.

I can't let him stay next with is or even next to Wangji,'re so pure that I don't want anyone to taint your innocence. But then I found out during your conversations which were shameless to even talk about that you two were already intimate, I wasn't sure and I hoped I was wrong. That was until you called a meeting to talk to me and Fengmian and you told us that you were soulmates and I felt my insides turning when you confirmed it.

I don't could that Gods make such a terrible combination of soulmates..? He is evil amd you are so pure, he is a man and so are you. How can they think it will work out..?how can the love that is so wrong and unheard of be from them..? Then Jiang Wanyin came here today to speak with me and insisted that I see him because what he had to say was very urgent. I even let him in my seclusion chambers  and you know what he said...? He said that Wei Wuxian used evil powers to defeat a man who had come to cause chaos in Yungmeng. I thought I was dreaming and I don hear him right but he went on further and to say that Wei Wuxian absorbed that man's evil powers, adding more to his own. How dangerous is he now..? How can I let him stay next to you Wangji..?

That boy sees what I see...he even stressed that if something was to go wrong or if someone angers him then there was a possibility that he loose control of his powers and hurt our people here. His carelessness could even hurt Wangji since he is with him most of the time, if something were to happend to Wangji then I won't be able forgive myself or him. keep everyone safe...he needs to go as far away as possible, he doesn't belong here or anywhere else where there are people around. He should be banished from entering any clan and be eliminated before he kills more people, those he killed in Yungmeng a six month ago had no one to fight for them so I will fight for my own. Why did he need to involve innocent people...? It shows that he has not control over his powers and he should leave...not tomorrow but right now...!!!"

LAN ZHAN AND WEI YING'S ETERNAL DESTINY BOOK 3Where stories live. Discover now