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"Lan Zhan...why are you apologizing to me? Didn't you enjoy it when she touched you the way she did? I mean she touched and kissed you they I never touched you. She made you feel things that I have never and maybe would never make you feel. Good for you Lan Zhan, now you know how a touch of both man and a woman feels like, what's sad is that you did that while you've already told me you love me. I guess I should've not held you back and followed you the way I did, you were not wrong to do what you did, you were only acting out of the feelings you have for women while you were forced to be with Zhan... I'm...I'm...I'm letting you go."

Wei Ying forced his hand free from Lan Zhan's hold, stood up and walked out of the Jingshi carrying the jar of wine in his hand and the other wiping the tears he had been trying to hold in whe he said the words he didn't want to say. He felt his heart fill his chest and when he walked out after closing the door. He stood outside right by the door trying to take in deep breaths to regulate his breathing and speak with his heart. He then walked out of the yard without even looking back, with tears in his eyes, he avoided the desciples he passed who greeted him along the way and headed to the back of the mountain and crossed the river into the bamboo forest where no one had ever set foot in.

Lan Zhan sat there remembering Wei Ying's words, each and every word in each sentence. He felt his heart suffocate when it clearly got to him what Wei Ying actually said and his breath stopped. He tried to make sense of what had just happened but nothing in mind, he stood up and went to the washroom to take another bath trying to stabilize his emotions but that did not help. He went to the meditation room and tried to meditate but with his heart beating so loud, reminding him of the wrongs he had done, it didn't help either. He started wondering if he should've followed Wei Ying or at least say something after be told him how he felt. He regreted being careless with Wei Ying's love and for not following him when there was s so much evil around waiting for him to be isolated.

Wei Ying had left without Lan Zhan ever knowing if he would come back. So when it became late afternoon and the time for Wei Ying to have his lunch passed, he got worried, too worried. He went out to look for Wei Ying everywhere in Cloud Rescessess, but he couldn't find him. His heart was restless for Wei Ying's safety and he decided to go check at the gate and maybe ask the desciples who were guarding the gate if he passed by. The desciples told him that they didn't see Wei Ying after they saw him the previous evening returning from the city, holding jars of expensive tea for Lan Zhan...that's what he told the guards. Lan Zhan looked at them strangely and turned around and left.

'Wei can you lie like that, (*painful chuckle*) you sly fox.'  Lan Zhan thought. Right at that instant, he remembered his words. 'sly fox ' and he gasped thinking about the only place he had'nt checked yet , the back mountain. He was looking everywhere until he saw muddy footprints on the other side of the river, he knew it must be him. Wei Ying loved isolated places especially forests and mountains and again, no one in Cloud Rescessess would go cross the river since there was nothing there that was interesting. He crossed the river but then realised that the forest was huge, he lost track of his footprints a few minutes before reaching where he was at that point.

He thought for a second and how he should find him, he knew there were limited ways to search for him and some of them would take a lot of time. So he decided to use his heart to find him, thanks to their bond and their powers they could do that and even a few more things also, like speaking to each other telepathically. But Lan Zhan didn't wasted his time to try to speak with him, he knew Wei Ying would just ignore him. So he searched for a comfortable place to sit down and meditate, he found a spot in the waterfall a few metres away from the river. There was a big rock just by the waterfall and he stretched his arms and his feet left the ground making him hover above the ground towards the rock

He flew to the middle of the river and sat down on the big rock in the river, he closed his eyes and concerntrated. He resorted to meditate in the water by the waterfall because his heart was restless. The loud beating of his heart made it unable for him to reach even the first step of meditation with it banging and asking for attention. With the loud rushing water, his would muffel the loud cries if his heart and atleast try to find him. He sat and crossed his legs, the back of his palms on his knees and closed his eyes. After a few seconds he felt a very strong pulse coming out deep into the forest. He tried to concerntrate on it but got blocked out by and unknown evil dispelling power array.

It was making it difficult for his spiritual sight to see past the array, his heart ached and he breathed slowly until it had quited down a little. He placed his hands on the rock he was sitting on and generated power from from his core power to his golden core, it took only a matter of seconds for his spiritual power to run smoothly in his body. He felt the vibrations on the rock, deep into the river and all the way into the forest and when he reached the array he tried going under it to gain entrance but still he couldn't. He had his eyes still shut but thinking of a way he could get through it, the only thing was to let his heart do all the work without the help of vibrations and spiritual sight.

He breathed in and out slowly, hoping that Wei Ying still loves him because if his heart couldn't find him then it would meant that he had given up on him. Lan Zhan hoped that it's not the case, he knew if Wei Ying's love for him decreased then he wouldn't be able to take it because that would mean his Wei Ying, his soulmate and the man he loves so much was going to leave him and go out in the world, roaming the mortal world without any care of leaving anyone behind. He didn't have his own family, so what did he have to loose.

LAN ZHAN AND WEI YING'S ETERNAL DESTINY BOOK 3Where stories live. Discover now