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"Lan you like that maiden?"

Wei Ying felt uneasy with the maiden beeing the only one permitted to enter the courtyard in the Jingshi, he felt like there was something going on that may have been going in for a long time. He felt like the attention that hmwas being given by Lan Zhan was shared with the maiden. To out it simple, he felt jealous, but he didn't realise it.

"Wei Ying...what do you mean by that? How could you ask me such a question.?"

"Lan Zhan, I asked you a question, why are you asking me back when you were supposed to answer back?"

"I can't believe you would ask such a question."

" Lan Zhan...that question is simple if you can't answer me it's fine, but please do me a favour...stop making a fool out of me with your answer questions "

Wei Ying got up and took his wine jars and left. He was upset, he thought Lan Zhan was making a fool out of him. If he liked the maiden then why not say it to his face instead of making a fool out of him. He exite6the court yard and left, leaving Cloud Rescessess behind and heading to town. Lan Xichen saw him leave and he saw by the way he was in a hurry that him and his brother must have fought. He knew Lan Zhan was worried about him beeing out there alone, but he didn't understand why Lan Zhan would let him go to town all alone. He wanted to go and ask his brother since it was aboutt time they spoke .

He arrived at the Jingshi and knocked a few times, Lan Zhan opened the door and stood at the side to let him in. He went back to the table and prepared two cups to pour himself and his brother some tea. Lan Xichen looked at him for a few minutes and went to to sit down infront of him.

"Wangji...why is Wei-Gonzi seem upset? Did you perhaps say anything bad to him?"


Wangji...I'm asking you, why is he upset?"


"Do you realise that Wei-Gonzi is very sensitive right now? just this morning he was telling me how insecure he was with you. Wangji...he thinks he doesn't deserve you and here you are giving him reasons to think like that. I'm afraid if you keep doing what he doesn't like he would leave."




"Now I see why Wei-Gonzi finds it hard to tell you, I will not ask again, and don't blame him if he goes back to Jiang sect."

"Xiongzhang...what did Wei Ying tell you?"

"Oh! now you're talking to me? Now you feel it's important I answer your questions when you ignored mine? Wangji...I thought you're better than that. What has happened to you all of a sudden? And this morning...why were you like that? It's not you to worry to that extent. Wei-Gonzi felt there was something wrong with you and ran to you. He felt it, he felt it in his heart that you needed him Wangji...I hope you can do something before it's too late."

Lan Xichen stood up leaving Lan Zhan alone who had lowered his eyes but looked intently at his brother the minute he mentioned Wei Ying not wanting to tell him something. His brother refused to tell him an that made him curious what Wei Ying was hiding from him. He ate his food and drank tea afterwards before standing outside the porch waiting for Wei Ying to get back before dark. He had heard his brother mention something about Wei Ying being able to feel when he needs him. He hoped he can feel the same thing if Wei Ying gets into trouble our there alone.

Wei Ying was so upset with Lan Zhan that he decide to stay a lite while longer in the city. He went to a nearby restaurant and ordered his spicy meal and ate quietly. When he finished he went to the stall which he always bought his wine at. He was a regular there and he was even popular with most if the stall keepers and also the young maidens who went to the Gusu city market to pass time by buying useless stuff. He found the two beautiful young maidens he always met in the city while buying from the stalls. He waited for his wine while talking to them.

One of the maiden's was a bit shy because she had taken a liking to the ultimate flirter Wei Ying, while the other was just helping her friend get the man she liked. They would giggle cutely everytime he would flirt with them, but he knew didnt know that one of them liked him. That made it easy for him to be himself around them and talk about anything with them.

"Heh...Wei you have a special someone in your life? "

" Heh! Why do you ask such a question? Or do you like me? (*Chuckle*) well...I can't blame you, I'm such a catch. (*Giggles*)

" Well..not me, my friend Mian Mian does.. right Mian Mian?  Come on tell him or some pretty ladies might fight for him while you're being hassitant "


Mian Mian hasitated, she was shy all of a sudden when that topic was brought up by her friend and she turned around and ran away out of embarrassment while her friend followed closely. That became a relief for Wei Ying because he hated rejecting other love confessions. He would rather drag in the topic or change the topic entirely when pretty young maidens would confess their love for him in Yungmeng. He felt relieved she. Jiang Cheng would sometimes answer for him which was always 'he's not interested ' or 'he already has someone he likes' while he just kept one thing in mind 'if you can't like me back then you will never like another'

By the time Wei Ying finished it was dark already. He walked to every stall taking a look at the goods that were sold while chit chatting and laughing with stall keepers. He had even forgotten what had happened in the morning with Lan Zhan. He arrived back at Cloud Rescessess and stood for a few seconds taking a breath and went in as the thought of coming face to face with Lan Zhan made him nervous. He knew he had overreacted, but he also didn't like the way Lan Zhan made him have doubts about his love for him.

LAN ZHAN AND WEI YING'S ETERNAL DESTINY BOOK 3Where stories live. Discover now