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Wei Ying was so scared because he had wanted to tell Lan Zhan himself, but he had taken so much time that things were the way they were at that time. Someone telling Lan Zhan would made him have thoughts that Lan Zhan was going to blame him for everything, he was going to think of him as someone who was not loyal or someone who doesn't deserve his love because of having such secrets.

"Lan Wangji, the powers that your so called love have a re mine, they were taken from me by a God who came to the mortal realm and was born here to end us. She took away my powers and locked us away like we were some sort of creatures and...hmph...-"

"Excuse are creatures hahaha, what? You thought you were mortals or Gods hahaha-"

"Wei Ying..."

"So-..sorry Lan Zhan "

"You think you have a smart mouth, ok let's see how you untangle yourself from this. Lan Wangji...everytime you sleep with this vermin, he absorbs your soul, little by little. Hahaha, didn't you notice that already? I mean your emotions would become unstable and for someone who had never had emotions it must have not been difficult for you to realise that something was wrong with you the first time you slept with him.

His power core feeds on yours, that was the reason why the Gods gave you his powers to keep. You get it now? You are slowly making yourself weak everytime you do that. And ...well...I have a connection to my powers meaning I can also control Wei Ying because he has my powers in him, and what he does can also be felt by me, I mean your intimate moments...I can feel everything Wei Wuxian feels from you which is why I want you to be all mine. You really know how to satisfy sexually.

Ok let's move in from that a little shall we, before I loose my senses right now. Time will come when he will be more evil that he is right now, he will kill people and he cannot control it as long as I can still use my powers in him. He will destroy everything that comes in his way and you won't be spared either because you will be the first he kills with his bare ha–.."

"Are you done now? Are you satisfied writing my life down for your satisfaction? Listen here you evil worm, I am not you and will never be used by you. You can think whatever you want or say what you feel is right for you right now...but let me tell you something you fail to realise...Lan all mine and I would rather die than to let anyone lay even a filthy finger on him. He is mine and I will never give him up. You used mw to escape the time Lan Zhan had trapped you in his space time without me realising it until it was late. But don't worry...this time....I will kill you myself..."

Wei Ying cut the creature from finishing the most forbidden words he didn't want to hear. He got so andgry that his red power liked like he was in flames and because he was still in Lan Zhan's blue power looked like he was engulfed by the blue and red fire. He put out his arm as he said each word with gritted teeth and a red flame appeared and he held it in his hand, and throwing it to the air and it hovered a few inches from his hand. He looked at the creatures again as if warning them to not make any movement. Lan Zhan looked at Wei Ying and saw that even his eyes had turned red in the pupils.

He lavitated a few inches from the ground and Lan Zhan watched as his hair gained more length and his robes was blown by the invisible wind since he was the only one who was blow. He looked like a dark angel in Lan Zhan's eyes, making Lan Zhan look at him with no expression at all. He was indeed shocked but he didn't care at that time because in his eyes...Wei Ying looked so sexy and more beautiful. Wei Ying spoke to Lan Zhan with his head lowered and he said...

"Lan is who I really am, a-and if- if you don't mind ke-keep..keeping me bes-sides you, then I will change few things about myself so that I don't harm you in future. "

The creatures were in awe, seeing Wei Ying like that was something that wasn't anticipated by anyone in the cave room. The brother took two steps forward, only to take three steps back after a few seconds, feeling intimidated by the aura Wei Ying was emmiting. But it was not only Wei Ying they were worried about because Lan Zhan was still glowing his blue core power and now there were two being who were emmiting glows like flames, one blue and one red. Their aura even made the puppets in the other cave rooms to screech fearing for their lives.

Wei Ying's possessiveness was felt by everyone in the cave room and the female creature stood up in panick as she saw how Wei Ying had changed. She knew she wanted Lan Zhan all to herself but she had to get her powers back before they became a deadly weapon against its owner. She had to get her powers before Wei Ying changed them even more bacause she knew that her own powers might be end her life, but she wasn't wrong about that. She tried to impale Wei Ying with her long  sharp claws while signalling her brother to attack Lan Zhan. But the attack was already foreseen by the two soulmates, Wei Ying dodged the claws by a quick spin to the other side and the blue light moved around with him.

The brother rose his black smoke and flashed it to Lan Zhan when he lifted his hand and with just a flick of his hand the black smoke retreated only to be clawed by the female creature when she failed to land her claws on Wei Ying's neck and he bent down only for the clawed to scratch Lan Zhan's arm. Lan Zhan flew back a little trying to assess his wound when he was attacked by the brother again who discharged his powers to him and hit the same spot on which Lan Zhan was clawed from. With that happening, Lan Zhan was still as string as he could be and he didn't show any reaction of beeing in pain. He fouvht so hard till he hear the puppets coming.

Wei Ying drew incantations with one hand while the other was slashing the female creature like a sword on her chest and the sounds of the puppets was not heard again. The female screeched in pain and Wei Ying stood a few metres from her and smirked like the devil, sending shivers to the female  creature when she stepped back upon seeing her black blood coming from her chest. Lan Zhan on the other hand had had enough when he closed his eyes for a few seconds and when he opened them again the blue light around him intensified and and he held out both his hands to the front. Wei Ying saw that and he was shocked to see Lan Zhan bleeding, he also did the same as Lan Zhan and drew his powers in and allowing them to flows in his golden core when they, at the same time grabbed the creatures using their powers.

LAN ZHAN AND WEI YING'S ETERNAL DESTINY BOOK 3Where stories live. Discover now