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The day went by and Lan Zhan and Wei Ying spent the whole day meditating as per Lan Zhan's request, everything was going well. Wei Ying seemed to have forgotten his worries and when it was time for bed, Wei Ying laid his head on Lan Zhan's chest and they fell asleep together. Well...Wei Ying did keep his promise but when he wanted to deliver, Lan Zhan seemed kind of not satisfied with with the way Wei Ying wanted to repay him. He told Wei Ying that if he was not going to go all the way then they would rather not start anything because he won't be satisfied.

The next morning they woke up and did their morning routine, they had their breakfast and went on their way to meet Jiang Fengmian. Wei Ying had insisted that they walk there instead of flying, Lan Zhan guessed that he might say that since he had realised that he was afraid if heights. They reached Yungmeng and the city was bustling with people, going about their usual business. Wei Ying couldn't stop smiling, he hadn't seen Yungmeng in months and finally coming back made his feel like he had missed a lot. He wanted everything that was sold in the stalls and of course Lan Zhan would walk behind him and pay for it.

They passed and Inn where Wei Ying insisted on going inside so that he could have wine, but Lan Zhan couldn't have it. He had seen that Wei Ying indeed missed home, but he sensed something else. Wei Ying was nervous and he kept on delaying them on purpose. He knew things wouldn't be as pleasant as Lan Zhan hoped because even though he had been away for while a long time, 9thers were waiting for him and they wouldn't care if they had a well respected guest, they would try with everything they had to embarrass him.

Lan Zhan denied Wei Ying's request to buy wine and a little after nine am, they finally reached Lotus Cove. Wei Ying stood at the gate, taking big breaths in and out, making himself ready for whatever was to befall them after announcing their relationship. He knew that Jiang Fengmian had not told them anything yet, he had promised Wei Ying that he was not going to say anything until he comes and says it himself. But even if he wanted to, his was he going to tell it...? It was unheard of for a man to be in an intimate relationship with a other man, so how was he going to explain it to his wife and his children.

Lan Zhan saw that Wei Ying was scared and he looked at him and held his shoulders, looked him straight in the eyes and said...

"Wei you trust me...?"

"With my life.!"

"Are you scared of what they will say..?"

"Not really...I accepted long ago that not everyone is going to understand us. But...I'm scared of what I might become incr I get angry. Lan Zhan...what if my dreams come true and today is the day I unleash the devil in me..? I don't want to hurt anyone...but I know that Jiang Cheng and Madan Yu will definitely test my patience. So...that's why I'm hesitant."

"Take this..."

"Lan Zhan... why did you bring my cloth, what if I lose it again...I left it on purpose, Lan Zhan...that cloth isy whole identify, I don't want to forget my hold it."

"Wei said you trust me, here...put this cloth inside your robes on your chest area. Right where our mark lye, this will protect you as well as prevent your powers from taking over you."

"Lan do you know it will work..?"

"Wangji'and I had been to the never seen land in the spiritual realm. Wei Ying...I would rather not talk about that now, I will explain everything once we get home. I promise. Now please do as I say...please..."

"Ok Lan Zhan, as long as you know it will help me, them I'm not worried. Let's get inside."

They went straight to the meeting hall and they were not surprised that Clan Leader and the elders were already waiting for them to arrive. They stepped inside and greeted the elders respectively before sitting down. Jiang Fengmian was happy to finally see his adopted son in his home, he was smiling while he bragged his his son is the best, and how he has changed for the better since he lived in the Lan Clan. After all was time for business, and Jiang Fengmian knew Wei Ying was not going to say anything because he had seen how he acted when Lan Zhan told them they were together. So, he wanted to start for him so he could finish for himself. Wei Ying had to tell them himself as to show respect and another reason was that he had to tell his family himself, not Lan Zhan.

LAN ZHAN AND WEI YING'S ETERNAL DESTINY BOOK 3Where stories live. Discover now