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"Are you sure..? Then what about the one that Jiang Cheng raped you when you were little...? Is that not a secret..? If not then why are you hiding it from me..?"

"WHAT!! Lan Zhan...I know you're jealous and all but jiang Cheng never did something like that to me. I know you hate him but this..this is absurd..!!"

"It happened Wei Ying...I just don't know if you willingly forgot it or if you really forgot it. And I have proof of that..!!"

"Wh-what proof do y-you...have..? Lan Zhan...please tell me it's not true...please tell me you said that out of your insecurities...please..."

"It's not...I thought I would keep this from you, but I can't anymore. Seeing the way you always protect the one who hurt you so's really breaking me. But Wei Ying...go take a bath, and I will tell you everything. "

Wei Ying didn't answer, he stood up and went to the bathroom while Lan Zhan went to the meditation room and meditated with Wangji' infront of him on the table, like he always was. After and hour and half he opened his eyes and took a deep breath and placed his hands on Wangji', he closed his eyes as he spoke to Wangji'and the green spirit who was then one with Wangji' and spoke in his mind. 'Am I doing the right thing..?was I right to tell him..? The look on his face was nothing unwanted to see an that's why I didn't want to tell him." Wangji' lit up while he strung his strings to answer his master.

Lan Zhan opened his eyes when he heard a tune of approval from Wangji'and he played a mind calming melody while still waiting for Wei Ying to come. He had been gone to take a bath for too long but Lan Zhan did t want to call him. Instead...he played the soul calming  melody for him to stop thinking too much. He knew he was afraid to hear what exactly happened, but since he was the one who started the whole thing...he wanted to finish it, for his Wei Ying. He had to know the truth and whatever happened after he would have help him deal with it.

After a few minutes of playing, Wei Ying came out and entered the room and sat down, still not saying word an he closed his eyes, took deep breaths and started meditating while Lan Zhan was playing soul calming music. Two hours later the melody stopped playing and Wei Ying opened his eyes and looked at Lan Zhan and his heart felt heavy, he closed his eyes and felt his spiritual energy flow with ease like it had been before they went to the cave and he realised the resentment energy in him was gone. He looked back at Lan Zhan with a smile on his face, about to tell him how he felt when he felt an ache in his heart followed by a heavy feeling. He became sad and lowered his head. Lan Zhan sensed something was off and asked Wei Ying.

"Wei Ying what's wrong..? I thought you would feel better after this, but you look like the melody didn't work. What's wrong..?"

" It worked alright, the resentment energy is gone, but my heart still feels heavy towards you. I guess that needs it's own melody."

"Not doesn't, I played a soul calming melody and that has nothing to do with a heart. It was only field your soul, the hate in your heart won't be erased by anything or anyone but yourself. You still need to find your reasons to hate me and you will have to solve them by yourself. I cannot do anything about it"

"So ...Lan mean you left it on purpose..?"

" was for the soul, not the selfish heart "

"Ok...I get it"

"So, Wei Ying... what is that scar on your waist..? "

"Oh that...I had it from the farm Jiang Cheng and I stole a chicken from, we were sneaked into the pig sty to get to the chickens and one of the pigs ran towards us and stomped on me. When I woke up that a few days later madam Yu punished me for it.
(Chuckle) I guess that's when Jiang Cheng and I stopped stealing wine and chickens. It was fun"

LAN ZHAN AND WEI YING'S ETERNAL DESTINY BOOK 3Where stories live. Discover now