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"Wei Ying...I think it's time to tell everyone who we are to each other, I told clan leader Jiang last night that I will send a letter to invite him over. I think its time."

Lan Zhan picked up Wei Ying's robes and out them back on Wei Ying before returning him to bed. He sat him down and told him to get some more rest and that he was going to tell his brother Lan Xichen to send a letter to Jiang Fengmian to summon him to Cloud Rescessess. Then he would go get their breakfast. He left after Wei Ying slipped back into bed and he went to take a bath, he kept thinking but the things that Wei Ying had told him, the way he was treated all these years, he thought he was not treated like a human being and that no matter what...he would never let Wei Ying to return to Lotus Cove, not when he was still breathing.

He finished, changed and went out to his brother and told him what his request and Lan Xichen found it to be a good idea and that after telling the family then they must let the whole mortal realm know of their union. Lan Zhan refused because there were still some unclear things that had happened that they needed to solve before going public. Like...where Wei Ying's piece of robe cloth which  was missing from the time he was sick and the healer who told a lie about it and also wanted to remove his memories. There were so many uncertainties which needed clarification and Lan Xichen understood that before accompanying Lan Zhan to the kitchen to get his food. Lan Xichen also made arrangements for sending a desciple to bring their food from then on.

When Lan Zhan returned he found Wei Ying awake and already cleaned and taken a bath, he placed the food on the table and went to wash his hands before coming back and dish food for his Wei Ying first before himself. Wei Ying felt uneasy, he had been thinking the time Lan Zhan we t to see Lan Xichen,he wondered what exactly Lan Zhan had told him. He wanted to speak but he stopped and ate his food and it was not until they were finished, dishes washed and finished their meditation that he asked. But that was after Lan Zhan had realised that something was wrong with his silence. They were then in Lan Zhan's bedroom when he stared at Wei Ying until he asked.

"好的,蓝湛... 我会说话 Hǎo de, Lan Zhan... huì shuōhuà (* okay, Lan Zhan...I'll speak*)
Did you tell Zewu Jun know...about me and Jiang Cheng?"

"What is there to tell?"

"(Sigh) thank goodness, I thought you told him everything, I'm glad you didn't."

"I didn't tell him, but you will tell them all at the meeting."

"Yes that's go-... WHAT??? Lan Zhan...his can you say that? I will not speak about such a thing I front of elders, his do you think they will think about Jiang Cheng? I don't care about me but his reputation will be deduced to almost nothing because I know uncle Jiang will not let this go...I will not say it, no!"

Lan Zhan don't answer but he just got off the bed and went out of the room, he was feeling slightly dejected, 'how can Wei Ying still think about him when he had done such terrible things to him? Does he maybe have feelings for him? Maybe he's with me because he had no choice, because he wanted to appease the Gods by staying by my side. Now that I think about it...he hasn't said that he loves me or show me that he wants to be with me. He does get intimate with me, but to which level? Since I'm the one to initiate everything?' Lan Zhan thought. His mind was in shambles and he felt his hear ache with the dissapointment of not being sure if it was love or just an obligation that kept Wei Ying in Cloud Rescessess.

Wei Ying saw that he had been gone for long and went out if the bedroom to look for him. He didn't like how Lan Zhan just turned around without answering him and just went away. He started thinking about what he said that might have made Lan Zhan upset, that's if he was upset, he thought. But he couldn't think of anything else until he saw Lan Zhan outside in the porch, standing there while his thoughts were scattered everywhere. He saw that he was indeed in pain, the closer he went the clearer he felt his pain, but that pain was different from being injured, it was just in the heart and nowhere else.

LAN ZHAN AND WEI YING'S ETERNAL DESTINY BOOK 3Where stories live. Discover now