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Jiang Fengmian went back later in the afternoon after Wei Ying spoke to him and explained the whole situation. After that, they went to the Jinshi' after their so called family dinner. The thing is...Lan Qiren was in his own way...participating but not fully. Let me clearify...he was quite the whole time and didn't even seem to be interested in the people around him. His plan has failed to separate the two soulmates. And yes...Lan Zhan was right, he knew about their relationship the while time but he didn't know if they wanted to be together or if it was the Gods will to pair them.

But either way...he didn't like the idea and he still wanted to carry out more plans to end their relationship. To someone like Lan was either his way or the highway, and if he doesn't get what he wanted then...he would feel as if he was beeing disrespected, especially in this case. He was the elder and he was always right and everyone must do as he saw fit, it didn't matter whether there was a clan leader's orders that the Lan Clan needed to him...even the clan leader should abide by his rules.

Lan Xichen was worried about his uncle, he knew he had health issues in the past and he was worried that they might surface again due to the events that took place that day. So...he spoke to Lan Zhan about it, he knew Lan Zhan was very stubborn but he had to try to reason with him to see things from his uncle's perspective. To didn't matter if his uncle was wring in many things, he would still try to insert his opinion and if his uncle doesn't take it then he would do as his uncle said. Even in running Cloud Rescessess.

"Wangji...did you see how hurt uncle was...? I think you should talk to him. He's grown and he feels he's not needed anymore, having know that his youngest nephew is much older than him in title really brought him to his knees. He feels helpless and not needed, talk to him please...for me.."

"Yes Lan Zhan... Zewu Jun is right, he is your uncle afterall. Just try to see things his way."

"I hear you both, but I'm not going to talk to uncle. And Wei Ying...what do you mean 'try to see things his way'...? What is his way...? That I'm dishonoring the Lan Clan...?  Disgracing his reputation and that of our clan...? I might be a from the Gods, but I was born here, which is why I also care about all mortals. as well as I know that uncle had treated me differently from the time I started living with him. He always wants to enforce his needs into me without a single care how I feel about it or if I was old enough.

He had always controlled my life and even though I knew that...I didn't try to stop him because I thought he was older than me. If so...then why didn't he treat you the say way he treated me...? Why was I always the one getting beating and rules on what to do or say, how to act and even how to walk... Xiongzhang... no more...I have always been immortal and even thought I'm older than him I still did everything me asked of me. But now when it came to a point where he should support me he still wants to control me. Xiongzhang...did you ask the maiden why she drugged me that night...?"

"No...I did but I didn't get any different answer than the one we got from everyone else who tried to get close to you. didn't tell me."

"I ignored that matter because I knew why she did what she did, I didn't ask uncle nor her, instead...I drank drank that tea knowing what was inside, I wanted to see what she would do if she successfully drugged me. Uncle sent her to do that so that I would have no way out but to forcefully marry her and take her as my wife. He did that so I couldn't be with Wei Ying, I didn't foresee the results of knowingly putting myself under that situation and even though I hear everything that was said or that she said...I still didn't answer ...I couldn't. Xiongzhang...I'm sorry..but uncle needs to understand that I have my own way of life I need to build and to follow.

LAN ZHAN AND WEI YING'S ETERNAL DESTINY BOOK 3Where stories live. Discover now