Chapter Four

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Hi Readers: What did you guys think of last chapter? I know that I started really late, and I apologize for that. However, I just want to give you guys an update about something. While I do enjoy writing long chapters for you guys, I have decided that I am going to start concentrating on writing shorter chapters rather than worry about writing long chapters for you. I'd rather concentrate on getting more than a couple chapters out a day than just one or two. So, I hope you enjoy what you get. Now, let's get back to the story which was getting quite interesting; and the question that was just posed by Gabby.

Also, quick note: I am going to be experimenting with something for transitions. I might start with one couple, then move back. I hope that you guys are enjoying the story and feel like this is good. Thanks again for reading.

"Do you think that I should just let Antonio worry about my father? And I concentrate on our life here?" -Gabby Casey

"Do you really think that you're able to do that Gabby? I mean, this is you we're talking about. Can you really say that you're just going to ignore the fact that you don't know where your dad is? Just so that you can concentrate on your recovery and the boys?" -Matt Casey

Both of the parents made very good points in their questions to each other, which were definitely going to need to be debated as they lay down close to each other in bed; well, that was the original plan. The new plan? It's for Matt to lay down on his back while leaning against a pillow, and Gabby laying down on his chest. After all, that was really what Gabby wanted to do when they're in bed with each other. She wants to lay down Matt's chest as they hold each other close, because it helps her calm down; and it gives her exactly what she needs, it gives her the calm feeling that she needs to recover. And right now, that was what she was doing as they relax in bed. She was recovering, while also doing some breathing this morning; a morning that's already been quite busy (as it's only 10 AM last time she checked the time). "Just curious, is it really just 10 AM?" Going to look at the time for his wife, Matt agreed with Gabby as she asked him if it was just 10 AM.

"Believe it or not, that's the exact time right now." Gabby agreed with Matt as he asked her that, well aware that he wasn't really thinking about the time; however, that didn't mean that she wasn't. She needed to know the time so that she can make sure that the boys are fed on time. "That means that we have another hour to an hour-and-fifteen minutes to relax before we need to take care of the boys again." Matt agreed with his wife when she said that, before turning his head and giving her forehead a sweet kiss. "Well, I'm glad that you're just taking it easy right now; after all, that's what you need to do right now." Gabby laughed, agreeing with Matt as he told her that; after all, she's well aware that she needs to take it while she recovers from giving birth to the boys. "Matteo and Noah are so adorable." Matt laughed as he agreed with Gabby, putting his hand on her back so that he can rub it; he then turned his head and kissed her forehead softly, which she wants.

"Now, that was nice of you to do." Matt laughed as she heard Gabby say that, well aware that she wanted that. "Hey, I know that you wanted it; so that's what I gave you." Gabby agreed with Matt as he mentioned that it was what she wanted from him. "Yeah, it was exactly what I needed from you if we're being honest." Matt agreed with Gabby as she told him that, running his hand up and down her back once again as he kissed her forehead softly. "Do you want to talk about it? How you're doing? And what you want to do about it?" Gabby sighed. "I just don't want to obsess about it, because that's not what I want to make you do when I know that you barely like talking about this." Matt shook his head. "I'm interested in talking about anything that you need to talk to me about, as long as it doesn't deal with my best friend's sex life." Gabby laughed as she heard Matt say that. "Now if that isn't the biggest lie in the entire world, we know that's a lie."

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