Chapter Forty-Four, Part One

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Hi Readers: I hoped that you guys enjoyed the couple chapters that I posted for you guys yesterday, and are ready for some more; because I know that I am most definitely ready to post many more chapters today (compared to how many I posted yesterday). And that's why I'm starting right now. But before I start writing for you guys, I have a question for you. I would actually really like it if I could get some feedback and ideas from you, my readers; that way, I can know that you guys are enjoying where I am taking this story. And if there is something that you guys aren't enjoying, then I would like to know so that I can try and make it better (at least in my opinion). But that's it so far, and I am ready to start writing. So, here we go with today's chapters; I hope that you guys enjoy them.

Gabby asked him to get her one as well, another one of his shirts. The reason? She wanted to wear one, just like he was, while they relaxed in bed with each other (as well as their sons). Well, not both of their sons at the moment; rather, they were going to just relax with Matteo right now. And the reason he was upstairs with them? Well, that was due to the fact that he was jealous; jealous of the fact that he wasn't getting to spend the same amount of time that his twin brother got to spend with his parents. But now, that situation was remedied; and he was now in bed with his parents. But before Matteo could get too comfortable with his mother, Matt had to make sure that she was wearing something; and that was one of his dress shirts. Yes, his dress shirts; after all, she is still going to be breastfeeding Noah for a bit. However, he also believes that she'll end up breastfeeding Matteo a bit too due to the fact that he's going to want it when he sees his brother do it. In fact, Matteo was currently in the midst of trying to kiss her breast right now.

And that meant that he was thinking about it. "I think that Matteo is thinking about it." Turning her attention away from the TV show that she was watching to see Matt come out of his closet both wearing (and carrying) some of his shirts, Gabby smiled at him before probing him as to just what he was referring to. "What are you talking about?" Matt then smiled as he made his way over to Gabby's side of the bed, before sitting down next to her as he looked at Matteo. Setting his shirt down in his lap as he sat down, Matt smiled as he looked at his baby boy. "I hope you know that you are nothing like your brother right now Matteo, and that you are not going to be getting mommy's breast today; you are going to be fed by me and some bottles." Looking down at Matteo, Gabby saw that he was looking at her breast before shaking her head. After which, she turned her head and looked up at Matt. After which, Matt proceeded to stare down into her eyes too; the eyes that he loves staring into each and every day. "Here, I got you a shirt to wear."

Seeing that Matt got her one of his dress shirts, Gabby smiled as that was exactly what she wanted to wear right now; she wanted to wear a shirt that could easily be undone, as it would mean that she could easily feed Noah when he needs to be fed and/or comforted by her. Taking a breath as she grabbed the shirt that Matt got for her, Gabby looked down at Matteo again. "He looks so comfortable." Matt agreed with Gabby as she said that, before smiling as he looked at his baby boy; well aware of the fact that he was comfortable on his mother's chest, as well as her breast (which he is currently using as a "pillow" in a way). "I think he likes using your breast as a pillow." Laughing as she heard Matt say that, as that was the exact thing that she was thinking; after which, she bent down and proceeded to kiss Matteo's forehead softly. "I think you need to get him off my chest so that I can put my shirt on." Matt agreed with Gabby when she said that, before looking at Matteo; after which, he went ahead and grabbed Matteo so that he can hold him.

Picking him up from Gabby's chest, Matt smiled as he picked him up and then got up. "Hey buddy. How about you come lay down on daddy's chest for a bit? You can cuddle up to him and let him hold you close for a bit?" Going to cuddle up to his father, Matteo agreed with him; at the same time, Matt smiled as this was definitely something that he was liking. At the same time, Gabby got up out of bed and went to put Matt's dress shirt on; and that led to Matt staying on her side of the bed for a minute longer. Putting the shirt on her shoulder, Gabby started to do up her shirt before looking up at her husband; after all, she was still quite confused as to why he wasn't making his way over to his side of the bed. "Why aren't you going to your side of the bed?" Matt smirked as he watched Gabby do up his shirt, which is most definitely something that he enjoys watching. Waiting for her to do up his shirt completely, Matt just smiling as he kissed Matteo's head; after which, he got close to Gabby as soon as she finished doing up his shirt this morning.

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