Beach Day, Part Two

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Hi Readers: What did you guys think of the first chapter that I wrote for you guys at the beach? I hope that you guys liked it, and are ready for another chapter that will take place at the beach. Now, what do you say we get to it? Here we go with Chapter Sixty-One.

With Gabby's body now being full of sunscreen (thanks to him), Matt felt like he now had the ability to go do something that he needs to do for her; and that's make sure that their best friends know that everything is okay in between them. But first, he needs to make sure that he knows just what he can tell his friends. Looking at Gabby as he wrapped his arms around her on the beach, Matt smirked as he bent down and proceeded to kiss her softly. "Are you sure that you don't want to come into the water right away?" Gabby smiled as she looked at Matt when he asked her that, before getting close to him and wrapping her arms around his back. "I was hoping to talk to Jay for a bit if that's okay." Looking at Gabby as he heard her say that she wants to talk to him, Jay was confused. "Everything okay Gabby?" Turning her head to look at Jay, Gabby smiled as everything most certainly was okay. "I promise, everything's okay; I'll tell you what I want to talk to you about when Matt's having fun in the water." Jay agreed with Gabby when she said that, before smiling at her. At the same time, Matt looked at his beautiful wife. "Do you want to have me here as you talk about it?" Gabby shook her head when Matt asked her whether she wanted Matt to be here as she talked to Jay. "No, it's okay Matt. Go have fun."

Matt agreed with Gabby when she said that, smiling at her. "You said that you want to take a swim with me, so I expect you to come join me soon." Gabby agreed with Matt when he said that, smiling as she let go of his hand shortly after he started to walk away. "I promise, I'm going to come join you soon; I just want to talk to Jay quickly." Matt agreed with his wife when she said that, before smiling as he walked away so that he could join Kelly and Stella in the water. At the same time, Gabby turned to look at Jay and Alex as they relaxed with each other; and let's just say that Jay could tell that something was up. "Okay, something's up with you Gabby. What are you thinking about right now? And what do you really need to talk to me about?" Gabby sighed as she went ahead and moved to sit down on her chair. After which, she looked at Jay. "I want to talk to you about service dogs." Jay agreed with Gabby when she said that, smiling at her. "Let me guess, you and Matt are thinking about it for his PTSD." Gabby agreed with Jay when he said that, before proceeding to go grab her iPad so that she can show him what she was looking at. "Yeah, I am looking at it." Alex then smiled. "Jay spoke to me about it too, and I think Matt conveyed to us that you'd be okay with Matt getting a dog, if that's what he wants."

Gabby agreed with her friends when they said that, as that most definitely was the case; just like she told her husband, she wants her friends to know that she plans on making sure that her husband gets all the resources that he needs so that he can work on his PTSD. If him having a service dog can help him with his PTSD, then she will most definitely do whatever she can to make sure that he gets the service dog that he needs. After which, Gabby just let out a sigh due to the fact that she just wants to be ready. "Listen, I know that I am not really the one who should be looking into this, and that Matt should be the one who does this; but I think that I need to take the lead on this, because Matt is still nervous." Jay agreed with Gabby when she said that, well aware that was the case. "Can I just maybe add on something when it comes to what Matt may be thinking about? As a future father and businessman?" Gabby agreed with Jay when he said that, deciding to let him maybe give her some ideas as to what may be on Matt's mind. "I just think that he's been trying to keep everything calm, and he wants to make sure that all of you guys are safe. I mean, things have been crazy so recently; and I think that's why he hasn't done it yet." Gabby then thought about it and agreed that it made sense.

"Yeah, I guess that makes sense." Alex then smiled at Gabby. "And I think he also wants to try and not do more work on his iPad than he has to, as he wants to try and spend time with you and the boys; with him being so busy during the day, he must feel guilty over the fact that he's not there much during the day, which is when the boys are awake." Gabby agreed with Alex when she said that, before smiling as she turned to look at her husband as he got in the water with Kelly. "Hey, at least he got out today; and even better he came to the beach with all of us." Jay agreed with Gabby when she said that, before smiling at her. "I think he really just wants to have fun with his friends today, especially when we're going to be getting down to work next week according to Matt." Gabby agreed with ay when he said that, before laughing a bit as she looked at her friend. "Jay, I know when Matt wants to get to work; after all, I am his wife and I want to make sure that he takes it easy. I don't ever want him to work more than he has to." Jay agreed with Gabby when she said that. "Is that related more to his PTSD? Or is it related to your family life? I mean if you don't mind me asking." Gabby took a breath when Jay asked her whether it was related more to his PTSD, or whether it was related to their family life.

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