Taking it Easy - Part Two: Lunch

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Hi Readers: And welcome to another day of chapters. Before we begin, I want to apologize for a couple things. First, I want to apologize for starting late; however, I woke up late and also ended up having a nice lunch. But now, I'm ready to write for you guys; and I hope that you guys are ready for some nice chapters. But the other thing that I want to apologize about, is the fact that I only posted two chapters yesterday. I always hope to write as much as I can, but I guess I just wasn't up to it yesterday; but I promise that's not the case today, as I'm willing and ready to write as much as I can for you today. I hope you like them. Here's Chapter Eighty-Seven.

It took him a while, but Matt was finally back in his and Gabby's room; and boy, did he know that he needed to apologize for how long it took for him to get food. He knew that Gabby was hungry, and that was why he should've rushed a bit more. But, as you know, he ended up getting into a conversation with Jay; and that then led to him being a bit delayed, not that it really mattered. I mean, it wasn't like it really took him long to prepare the lunch that they were going to enjoy with each other; he just had to heat up the food in the microwave, and now it was ready. But that wasn't the only thing that was ready, because so was his apology. "Sorry it took so long; I really didn't plan on being that long." Turning her head as she heard her husband walk back into the room, Gabby snickered as she looked up from the designs that she was currently working on. Okay, maybe not working on; more like admiring, as she planned on showing them for the first time to Matt today. Then again, she was also playing around with the colors of the design.

So yes, maybe she was working on them; and that was due to the fact that she didn't like them very much anymore, and that was why she was thinking about changing them. But that didn't matter right now. Rather, what mattered right now was her having lunch with her husband. "Oh, that's fine." But Matt could tell right away that was not the case, and that everything was not fine as he glanced at the woman he loves more than anything in the entire world. "Okay, I know that isn't the truth. You stuttered and had a delayed response. I know that sign anywhere Gabby, and that's a sign that you have something on your mind right now; and if you don't tell me what it is, then you're not getting some of your mom's leftover pasta from last night." Gabby just looked at her husband as he told her that, not very happy over the fact that he just told her that. "I may not be getting the leftover pasta, but our daughter will. Or do you want to deprive your precious princess of the food she needs to grow in her mommy's stomach?" Matt snickered a bit.

Walking over to their bed shortly afterwards, he went ahead and set his bowl of shrimp pasta on his side table; then, and only then, did he walk around their bed so that he could give Gabby her bowl of pasta. Smiling at his girl as he walked up to her, he went ahead and proceeded to set her bowl down on her side table. "Hey, look at me." Gabby agreed with Matt when he said that, before smiling at the man of her dreams as he sat down next to her. Putting his hand on her stomach once he was sitting down next to Gabby, Matt smirked as he went ahead and looked into her eyes. Doing the same, Gabby smiled as she moved her hand to his neck. "You are so in trouble." Matt was confused as he heard Gabby say that. "And why exactly am I in trouble with you?" Gabby just smiled as she stared into Matt's eyes. "You just threatened to not feed me, when I am pregnant with our child." Matt agreed with his wife when she said that, before sighing as he knew that was not something that he should have done. "Sorry about that." Gabby agreed with him.

After which, she leaned up and proceeded to put her hand on Matt's cheek; stroking it with her thumb, Gabby smiled at her loving husband. "I know." Matt smiled as she told him so, before moving his hand to hers and stroking it with his thumb. "I love you." Gabby agreed with Matt as he told her that, well aware that was the case. "I know. But please don't do that again. Remember that I'm pregnant, and that means that you can't threaten my food." Matt agreed with Gabby when she said that, before smiling as he grabbed her hand. After which, Matt thought that he was going to get a chance to kiss her; so, he leaned in to do just that. But if Matt thought that Gabby was going to let him kiss her after what he just said, then he was wrong. Patting his cheek as he tried to kiss her, Gabby smirked. "Oh baby, did you really think that you're going to get a kiss from me?" Matt was confused as he looked at Gabby, unsure as to what she meant when she said that. "Wait, what?" Gabby smiled at Matt when he said that, agreeing with the man she loves.

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