Post-Morning Sickness Shower

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Hi Readers, and welcome to another day of chapters; a very special day of chapters, as today is "Welcome Back Casey" day on Chicago Fire. Can you tell that I'm excited for the episode? Well, I'm pretty sure that all Chicago Fire fans are excited for it. Another thing that I think you guys are excited for? Well, that's another day of updates of course; because we both know that you're about to get some more today. I hope that you guys continue to enjoy the updates that I give you on a daily basis, including all the twists and turns that are head. So, here with go with today's first chapter; here's Chapter Seventy-Nine.

He thought that he'd find her in bed, just taking it easy as she relaxes right now; but that was not where he found his beautiful (pregnant) wife when he came back to their room today. Rather, he found her in the shower. Why she was in the shower? He may not know the exact reason, but he has an idea; and that might be due to the fact that she just threw up. She always feels disgusting whenever she has morning sickness, so this is probably one of those cases. But Jay couldn't help but wonder about what he can do for her right now, and he thinks that would be him joining her in the shower; so, that's what he decided that he's going to do. He's going to join his beautiful wife in the shower, and try and make her feel beautiful; because that's what Alex is. She's so beautiful and he loves her more than anything in the entire world, and he's ready to hold her in his arms. But first, he has to set the food that he just got for him and Alex down somewhere; so, that's exactly what he did. Walking over to Alex's side table, Jay set the plate down on it.

After which, he proceeded to take a breath; after all, he knows that Alex is probably feeling horrible right now. And he hates that, as he would much rather she feel beautiful right now. So, it's time for him to make her feel that way. Picking up both of their towels this afternoon, Jay proceeded to start making his way to the washroom; but first, he saw that Max was going to follow him into the washroom. And since Jay wants to have a moment alone, that was the last thing he wanted; so, he made sure that Max was not going to join them in the washroom. Turning to look at his pup, Jay smiled as he pointed to his bed. "Max, bed." Barking, Max agreed with his veteran; after which, he walked over to his bed so that he can lay down (as his veteran wants him to do). Smiling as he watched Max lay down in his bed, Jay smirked. "Good boy. Now stay." Max then barked again, that being his way to say 'yes master' to Jay. Smiling at his dog, Jay then proceeded to walk over to his dresser. Opening his boxer and sock drawer, he grabbed some fresh pairs.

After which, he took one last breath ahead of the shower that he plans on joining Alex in her shower; a shower where she's currently trying to make herself feel better, not that it's really going to help. The only thing that's currently making her feel better, is the fact that she didn't ruin their bed. If that had happened, then she would've felt horrible. But the only thing that she ended up ruining, was the toilet bowl. (If that makes any sense). I mean, the toilet bowl has seen a lot worse than her morning sickness; not that I'm going to give you any more detail. But now, she's just breathing as she tries to concentrate on washing up. But little did Alex know that she was going to be joined by the man she loves, who doesn't care whether she just had morning sickness; rather, he just cares that she's feeling okay. And if it means that he gets to take a shower with his beautiful wife, then Jay is more than okay with that. Now, does he like the fact that he and his wife are about to take a shower together? He does, for the simple fact that his wife is very gorgeous.

There's just one reason that he doesn't like about the fact that he's about to join her in the shower, and that's the circumstances under which he's going to take a shower with her. But he wouldn't complain as he walked into the washroom. Nor could he help smiling a bit as he looked at his gorgeous wife, the husband (and future father) unable to deny that he loves the sight of his gorgeous (naked) wife in the shower. Remember, the only part that he doesn't like is the fact that she feels like crap (for now). Carrying their towels over to the counter, Jay proceeded to set them down; after which, he proceeded to start getting undressed. Taking off his sweats this afternoon, Jay went ahead and set them down on the counter with his new boxers (and her new lingerie); afterwards, he proceeded to take off the boxers that he's currently wearing and threw them into the laundry hamper so that he was now in this birthday suit. After all, that's what he needs to wear if he wants to join Alex in the shower, which he most certainly does want to do today.

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