A Toast to Fatherhood

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Hi Readers: And welcome to another day of chapters. I hope that you guys enjoyed the chapters that I posted yesterday, and the story so far. But now, it's time for us to get back to the story; here we go with Chapter One Hundred and Fourteen. Enjoy readers.

He just finished putting the steaks that he was going to be making for supper tonight on the grill, already loving the smell of some nice steaks that he and Kelly were going to make for their wives; at the same time, they were going to be sharing some nice beers and cigars while they both make supper. And let's just say that's exactly what Matt wants to do, especially since he's been wanting to talk to his friend about something specific; something that he can't help but wonder whether he was feeling the same way about, and that was Andy (and how much he misses him). And no, he isn't talking about his golden retriever; rather, he was talking about their late best friend. The best friend that he most certainly would love to be sharing all of these experiences with, and he has a feeling that Kelly feels the same way; but only time will tell, as he has yet to talk to him about it. But now, he most definitely will be talking to him as he was now outside with him. "Well, it looks like somebody is ready to have a nice beer with me." Turning to look at his friend, Matt smiled at him. "Yes, I am. I am ready to just share a beer with you, as we haven't had one in a while." Kelly agreed with his best friend.

"And even better, our wives are on board with us having a beer." Taking a breath when he heard Kelly say that, as he just had this gut feeling that there was another reason why Gabby was doing it; and it was due to the fact that he's been having a bit of trouble in the past couple weeks. But more specifically, ever since the seventh anniversary of their late best friend's death; and the truth is, Matt has felt that way as well. But now, he needs to talk to his best friend about it; and that's because he knows that he needs to make sure that his best friend is on the same page as him. Taking a breath, Matt just looked at Kelly. "Yeah, but there's another reason why that's the case." Kelly was confused when he heard Matt say that, before thinking about something. "Oh, because you've been having PTSD." Matt bit his lip. "Well, yes; but there's something else that I want to talk to you about. But first, we need to do something first." Kelly was confused as he heard Matt say that, before watching as Matt grabbed the beer that he got for Kelly. "This is for you, remember?" Kelly laughed as he heard Matt say that, as he most definitely does want to have a beer with his best friend. "Our wives?"

Matt just looked at Kelly when he said that, because he already knows that they've approved that they're going to have a beer. "Kelly, we both know that they're okay with us having some beers." Kelly agreed with Matt when he said that. "Right, so we can toast to fatherhood." Matt smiled. "Yes. Now, how about you go sit down over there? I will be right over, but first I just need to check on the steaks as they get started." Kelly agreed with Matt as he said that, smiling as he walked away so that he could sit down. At the same time, Matt looked down at his Andy. "Andy, go see Kelly. Go relax boy." Andy then barked, agreeing with Matt as he proceeded to walk away so that he can make sure that he goes to relax with Kelly; at the same time, Matt opened the grill to take a quick look at the steaks. At the same time (while he was sitting down), Kelly looked at his best friend. "Man, you just put them on there; and I think that we're okay with them right now." Matt agreed with Kelly when he said that, before smiling as he turned around and made his way over to the chairs that they have in their backyard; that way, they can sit down together and toast to fatherhood with a couple of beers.


Sitting with his best friend shortly after he made his way over to him, Matt smiled as he looked at him as he was really happy to have his friend home; it's been weird not having him here, and it's been quiet. And it's even been a bit weird, as he's only had his brother-in-law here with him; but right now, he has his best friend back to talk. Just looking at him, Matt smiled as he put his beer up. "To fatherhood." Kelly laughed as he heard Matt say that, before going to hit his beer against his. "To fatherhood is right." Matt smiled as he heard Kelly say that, before going to take a sip of the beer that he was sharing with his brother. "So, how was the trip home today? Did everything go okay with the boys? Was it scary driving home?" Kelly laughed as he heard Matt say that. "God, I was so scared driving them home. I thought I was going to do something scary, and just ruin everything." Matt laughed as he heard Kelly say that, as he knew exactly what he was talking about. "Oh god, I know exactly what you mean." Kelly agreed with Matt, before smiling at him. "So, how's Gabby doing? I heard that you guys finally learned the gender officially?" Matt smiled, before nodding at his friend.

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